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I woke up, inside a cage, with two people looking at me like I was some kind of animal in a zoo, in parasite form I was apparently very interesting to them. I saw that my new host was in the cage with me, recovering, and I couldn't let that happen. I quickly possessed him again. I looked over seeing Error stare at me, I never had the time to formally meet, and he already wanted to kill me, the only other option would be to kill him, but he's too powerful, I've seen what he's capable of, and I don't want to deal with that. I guess befriending him is out of the question. Before I could even finish a "rad" sentence Error had stopped me.

"Don't even bother trying to talk your way out of this one, if Ink wasn't here, you'd already be dead." He said looking, displeased, to say the least.

I kept my mouth shut for a moment, but then the thought entered my head. If I don't talk my way out of this, I'll die for sure. So I went for my usual tactic of persuasion, talk in my rad lingo, and if they ain't "diggin' it" I can talk in a normal fashion. (Sucks for them, it's ALWAYS so much better when I speak in my cool lingo.)

"Broski, all I was about to all up n' say was that this is a p rad place ya got here!" I said with as much confidence I could have in a cage, talking to a person that was just about to kill me. 

"You don't say." He said, definitely not buying my compliment. 

I just kept spewing a bunch of different compliments, trying to at least get some information. He finally started talking back and soon we actually had a full conversation going on. I was about to continue on with it until I overheard

"...and Fresh is bad, but he doesn't deserve to die! Nobody deserves to die..." Ink had said, talking to my old host and the Dust Sans. 

Nobody has ever said that, and actually knows what I am. Ink knows, or at least, has an understanding of how many people I've killed, so why, do I not deserve to die? Don't get me wrong, I'm not up for me dying, but I'm definitely not wanted once people see the real me. I just kept staring at Ink for some kind of answer, he never gave one. 

Instead, he untied the Dust Sans, and he got up and started to approach me. I began to get scared, remembering my missing tentacle. He came up to me and told me that he gave up and that I did a nice job. Like it was my plan to be dragged here, lose an appendage, and then be locked up for not starving myself? He left, and A Geno Sans stepped through a portal. They began talking about how I shouldn't die, I didn't really hear much of it. Out of nowhere, I flopped onto the floor, my new host dusted. I saw that my tentacle had healed significantly. Apparently, I didn't realize how much energy I had been using to heal it. It hadn't grown back fully, but at least it didn't hurt too much. 

I had a surplus, an entire soul's worth of energy in me, and now I was small enough to slip through the bars. The old host was there, looking tired, and a bit, more importantly, distracted. I slipped through, not being seen, and managed to get to the old host. Guess we're starting this little test back up. So far since the time I left off, 44 days, and this host doesn't seem like he'll be going down anytime soon.   

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