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Nightmare kept finding me, starting conversations, feeding me souls that he found no use for, that kind of stuff.

During these little interactions though, I've noticed someone else watching. I already knew it was Geno, he barely even tried to hide from me, he was always standing behind Nightmare, taking notes. After me taking a peek at his secret notes, I think he may be trying to plan something against me, but why would he in plain sight? I'll just keep telling myself that Geno is just there for Nightmare, and not me.

With all these questions in my mind, there's only one that I prioritize, why did Nightmare call himself a possessor? I barely pay attention to what Nightmare has to say, through my shades, I can examine him thoroughly without seeming suspicious to him. The only thing that's ever stood out to me was the black ooze covering his body. I still can't put my finger on it...

Anyway, as Nightmare supposedly trusts me more, I can watch him and the Dust Sans destroy an AU from afar, and I don't have to get caught up in the middle of it. It surprising to see how quick this Dust Sans can kill. From one second to the next, it's already cleared a visible trail of dust, even the human's death is relatively quick, slow for the Dust Sans' standards, but quick enough for me to only see small glimpses.

Geno approached me at some point, I wasn't anywhere near Nightmare, was he really out for me? No. He talked about my little alliance with Nightmare, how he knew about it, yadda yadda yadda. He gave me a few papers, and just like that, he was gone. I read these notes, they were intriguing, to say the least.


Nothing would help, it just got worse as everyone finally began to turn. I finally made the decision to stay near the tree, I would rather feel the pain and fear that my side of the tree emitted than the pain and fear that came from everyone around me.

I stayed there for hours, days maybe, I couldn't tell. I could hardly see what was in front of me, there was only darkness around me. I began to thinking.

It wasn't what I did that made everyone hate me, it was me as myself wasn't it? I know that they hated both, they just hated me more. I was better off right where I am, I was nothing but something to insult, something to hurt. Dream was better off without me, he would be happier without me holding him back with my negativity.

Maybe I could prove myself...

They all loved Dream so much, he protected their happiness, everything that mattered I guess. If I was being punished for protecting the "bad side" as they said, why couldn't I just be like my brother, I could be good right?

I tried... I ruined everything, why do I just make everything worse?

The apples, they're all corrupted, the tree is dead, it's all my fault.

Everyone is approaching fast, ready to kill me. I deserve it...

"Get stronger." I heard a voice say, coming from the apples.

I couldn't recognize this voice, it was deep, different from... her's. Who was this?

"If you don't do something, you will die, use the apples, be stronger than them," He said, pushing me on.

I couldn't, it was wrong, I couldn't do it, they were too powerful, but what other choice do I have?

The first, pain sprung into my body, but once the first one was down, I couldn't stop. One turned into two, then three, then six, then twelve and so on.

It hurt, more than anything...

But it felt so good.

The power, it's addicting, I want more, I need more. Something sprang from my back, I could hardly breathe, I could hardly see, it doesn't matter, I just want more.

It's their fault, Dream, everyone. They will pay for what they did to me.

The apples were gone, but that couldn't be true, I still needed more. There had to be something more, something else that could fuel that burning thirst for power.

I could sense a whole new spectrum of things, whatever was around me right now, I needed more of it. The fear, the hate, the despair, I loved it. They all fled in fear, it wasn't enough, I swept through countless humans and monsters as they tried to escape me, how stupid they were. I smell of blood filled the air, as well as dust circling around the almost dead landscape, simply amazing. A scream came from behind me. Dream, it was him, wasn't it? He had caused me pain the moment he stepped near me, his positivity sickened me.

They all deserved to be hurt, to feel hurt, I'll make sure of it.


How Geno knew this much, I don't know, were those apple things the possessor? Maybe, I want to know more. I have Nightmare as my main resource for information. I'll have to gain his trust. This won't be for the greater good, trying to bring back whoever he was before, no, I won't do it because of that. My only reason is curiosity.

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