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One of the figures started pacing, plotting, trying to kill me? The voice that usually told me not to worry was completely gone, overwhelmed by the much, much louder voice telling me that there was no hope. Every occasional glance I got looked like it twisted into a sick and evil smile. Although they paid no attention to me, it still felt like they stared me down, giving me the feeling of eyes burning into me.

It's been too long, the drawn out feeling of suspense and fear, waiting for that one figure to make a decision. I saw a movement in that figure's hand, and it made this loud noise that echoed into me, still instilling fear. They talked for a moment, and one of the figures left. That left the other two, just standing there. I saw them look at themselves, and then at me. The feeling of actual eyes, much worse than my manifestation that created the illusion. I wanted to cover myself up, I didn't want to see anymore, but I was too scared to close my eye for even a second.

The first figure came back, with another one, but this one was a bit brighter. it had the usual dark, edged shape, but it had an aura of light surrounding it. They talked, even more, the figure with the light around it stared at me, but they eyes and expression were different. The whole look seemed comforting and full of light, so very different compared to everything else.

When I saw it, some kind of weapon, everything I had feared this whole time sank back in. Is this how I was going to die? In a cage, fearful of everything, barely strong enough to move? I began to beg and plead for mercy, but they couldn't, or from the way I was thinking, wouldn't understand. The weapon looked like some kind of bow and arrow. The figure finally let go of the back of the arrow, letting it soar right towards me. I couldn't move, so frozen by fear, I could barely see, as everything became darker and darker.

I felt it hit, something entered inside of me again, if it was anything like whatever that ooze was last time, things would probably be so much worse. But that didn't happen. I felt my extreme feeling of the fear clash with something else, the thing that entered me. It felt weak, but it somehow overpowered the darkness. I felt a small bit of warmth rush over me, not the kind I was feeling at first, it was physical, something was touching me. I tried to move a bit, but everything felt slow, and a bit peaceful I might admit. Once whatever was happening was done I was too out of it to see what was going on.

When I finally came to my senses and opened my eyes, I saw that I was already back in my host, strange. Geno was in front of me, talking about this Dream guy that helped me with the fear that was overwhelming me. At least, I think that's what he said. Everything was blurred, and the words around me seemed muffled, or barely audible. He pointed at another skeleton, he resembled a Sans a little bit. He said something about "Thanking" him. That wasn't a problem, I have to do this all the time to earn someone's trust.

Still a bit dizzy, I walked over to the supposed Dream Sans, I said a few things that were along the lines of "Thank You" I wasn't ready for what happened next, he hugged me. That easily huh? It definitely surprised me that he warmed up to me so quickly, or he could just be like this with everyone, as I saw him poke Error's face in some kind of friendly way before he left.

Once Error calmed back down, Geno said he wanted to go to Grillby's, I agreed, interested in the flame monster's reaction seeing four different Sanses all at once. So we were off.

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