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Of course, Geno isn't an idiot, he isn't going to write notes about himself, he already knew everything about himself, and he wasn't going to have a list of his weaknesses on some work desk for anyone to find. I just asked a few questions, that he would be comfortable telling me, and I would work from there to make something of this information.

With a few questions answered, I had a small amount of information. He came from a genocide timeline, it was a bit obvious, given his name. What surprised me was his sanity. Compared to other Sanses from Genocide timelines, he managed to remain sane, and from what I've seen, he's not too vengeful, or it could be an act, who knows.

With a few other questions, we came to the topic of Geno's notes. He knew a surprising amount of backstory with people. I got a tinge of curiosity, and I tested my boundaries with Geno, asking if he could share a bit off what he's learned. He tried to lie, and it seemed like he knew I wasn't going to believe him, so he didn't even try with his lie.

All he said was no, I guess if he wasn't going to tell me, I'll just find out myself. With a little help from some super secret notes kept somewhere. He was about to say something, but Error cut him off somewhere else, saying something about someone finally being awake. I saw who it was, my host. Still injured, almost calling to me, like a dying animal, calling the attention of a predator looking for a meal. I couldn't do anything to him in here, though, I need to plan an escape.

The experiment, I completely forgot about it. It had been a couple of months, this host lasted much longer than I expected, but I had to finish this test to get my results. I can't use this fake body, it feels so unnatural to me, I need something alive, something real.

There's also another problem. I'm already down to one soul in this body, I didn't need the second one for anything anyway because this thing couldn't fight back. But, if this wears on any longer, this thing will remain intact, as I'm left in this void of a body, slowly starving. I won't starve soon, no, but it's something to think about.

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