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Over 500?! And so many compliments too! I just really want to keep saying thank you!!


When you're going in and out of different, random universes, you'll usually see the same people. Over and over again, but if they are from a different universe, they don't remember, or even recognize you. Another charm, there's always a chance for a, Fresh start. Which is why I was initially confused when I met this person. 

I've seen him a few times, analyzed his behavior, before our first actual conversation. He's shorter than me, wearing some kind of brown scarf, a small bit of Ink splattered at the bottom of his face, and he also had these vials that he held in this sash. One thing that set me off, was the vials, they gave off this kind of little aura through the glass containing them. I couldn't explain whatever they were giving off, but whatever they were, I can say that I did not like it. Another thing was that he was a bit suspicious of me. Was I doing something wrong? No, I couldn't be, I've done this long enough to know when I've done something that seems off. Despite this he was friendly enough, at least, that's what normal people would call it right? He was so eager to ask all these questions, things like, what's my favorite something or other, and what do I like.

 What is a favorite? It's been tossed around, usually the first things that people ask others, including me. From what I've gathered, it's an attachment to a certain subject or item that supposedly makes it a "favorite." Is this the cause of feelings, or am I really that disconnected from what is shown as normal? 

The little conversation I was having with this guy was making me uncomfortable, so I left. Then when I came across him again in another place, I said hi again, thinking I could just do this again, but he said something I've never heard anyone say, at least if it was a person from the exact same universe. 

"Oh, you again!" he said in that general friendly tone. 

It was strange, seeing this person again, but I did what I did usually, kept talking. Then I left. The same thing happened again. And again, and again. I even checked in another universe to see what was happening. I saw there were two of, Ink his name was. Both remembering me and both remembering what I would tell them. Despite me saying it to different versions of him. 

I'm not starting over with this guy Ink. If I say something wrong, that's it. He's also grown attached to me, poor sap. He's called me a friend multiple times, but recently he called me something else, an ally. 

It supposedly means to unite as some kind of symbol of friendship, and from what I've grown to know about Ink, is that he can help me with something. Part of this little alliance is that people in it help each other out. I've seen that Ink helps to create and protect universes, and I've also seen that Error destroys. I know that they've been in a fight multiple times before. Maybe if I can do something for him that doesn't risk my life, I can get some information on the whereabouts of Error. 

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