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It was Dream, he was somehow turned to stone, as Nightmare explained. He passed by it casually, locking up the Dust Sans in this windowless, dark chamber, pinning him to the wall. I swear through the darkness I could see smears from a darker liquid, either from Nightmare or the Dust Sans.

I followed Nightmare back out, as he began to admire his work with Dream. He began talking about how "stupid" Dream was. I stopped listening when he started explaining how he fills an AU with negative emotions.

When he finally stopped, he sent me off with another soul.

I was back to traveling from universe to universe again, finally being able to have a radical time out of all of this, whatever it is. While doing so, I made it to what is referred to as "The True Lab" I saw Geno there. It is pretty dark, I couldn't see much, and with my multi-colored radical clothing, I stood out like a sore thumb.

Geno almost immediately noticed me, and waved to me and went back to looking for something. Geno grabbed a small vial of sorts, I couldn't make it out before he teleported away, but I think it had a strange glow to it. I teleported to Geno's part of the void, and I didn't see anything too out of place, so I left.

Nightmare assigned some kind of 24-hour job for me, I have to guard the Dust Sans. It's not like he can go anywhere chained up, and he seemed beat, so why would he ask me now? THe only time I really get breaks is when Nightmare takes the Dust Sans out for one of his little "killing sprees" It's not the best, but it's better than be chained to a wall and tortured right?

I was called to the main room, Nightmare told me to take Geno to the Dust Sans' chamber. He threatened me, like usual. Although they seemed empty, I still wouldn't be one to question Nightmare, so I did what I was told, and took Geno to the Dust Sans.

As I waited for Geno to be done with whatever he wanted to do, Nightmare burst through the door, yelling about how these notes were useless to him. He threw them at the ground, towards me. I picked them up, confused by why Nightmare was so mad at something like notes. Then I read on to see who these notes were talking about.

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