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~Host Sans

Geno was getting up from his desk by the time I woke up, I asked what he was going to do, he told me that he was going to go searching for Fresh, I said that I was going to come with him and that he couldn't just keep me he "safe" forever. Surprisingly, he agreed, it was odd, but I didn't complain.

While searching, when there was some silence, say, when I was thinking about what comes next, I was actually looking ahead, it's been so long. Anyway, when there was silence, Geno would try to start a conversation about something random that wasn't about finding Fresh. The same thing would happen when I would blatantly ask about Fresh, he always tried to change the subject.

When we got to a specific AU, he asked me to wait in the forest, I reluctantly agreed, as he went to interview a new Sans I've never seen before. He had red eyes, with that insane look that other Sans usually had, more worryingly, he had a hole that leaked blood in the back of his head. It shook me up a bit.

The overall atmosphere of this place made me feel uneasy like anything could just come up behind me and kill me. Once Geno was done, I saw a human come up to the station this Sans was residing, he said something to her, before grabbing her by the arm, grabbing an axe that he conveniently kept underneath him. He let go of her, shrugging, saying it was a joke, Geno noticed that I was getting anxious, so we immediately left.

He asked if I wanted to go to Grillby's, sure, it's been a while. Before we did though, he asked me if I wanted to see something, I said yes. He swiped that glitch from his eye for a few moments, part of his face had melted. He said that he only showed this to people he trusts, but why trust me? I don't know why he was so open with me, sharing these secrets and all that.

We came to a Grillby's that seem to be surrounded by stars. When we went inside, the place illuminated a blue-purple colour from beneath it, this Grillby glowed a purple, with what looked like stars sparkled on him.

When we came back from Grillby's he told me that I may have to go back to the Save Screen if things really went horribly wrong. He brought up the subject of whether or not Fresh was hunting me down like it wasn't something that I was constantly thinking about, but it didn't really matter, I shrugged and that was that.

PerspectiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora