A Real Story, a Fake Lead

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The sky began to grow dark, it was confusing, people were rushing over to our tree, what happened?

I ran over, to see my brother, through the crowd of angry faces, all staring at him and what he had done.

The tree, it was dead, all the apples shriveled and black, except for the one I had for the elder. I saw my brother, standing in shock, with a look of fear on his face. I rushed to the front of this crowd, and Nightmare turned to look at me, I was shattered. He hurt our mother, but this wasn't his fault, it was an accident, they could forgive him, right?

People started shouting, saying that they could no longer live a happy life because of Nightmare, but that wasn't true, I could find a way, I still had positive feelings in me, I don't know how, but I can fix it. People started to group up, trying to hurt my brother, I did what I could, trying to hold them back, but there were so many.

I was knocked over, and they rushed over me towards my brother. I was scared for once, for both me and my brother.

I began to hear more shouts of people over me. Then silence, all I could hear was the sound of my brother struggling with something, did they get to him? I was still on the ground, listening, as people stopped and they were looking at something, I had to get to my brother.

I managed to get up and looked upon the sight in front of me, all I heard was my brother saying in a quiet voice.

"Please... Don't forget who I used to be."

The words got stuck in my mind as I looked to see a dark figure, tentacles jutting out from its back, where was my brother?

That thing had the shape of my brother, but it emanated a negative aura. I felt tears well up in my eyes, where was he? People began to step away from whatever that thing was, then a sharp, quick sound lasted from it.

Things happened so fast after that, the tentacles were like blades, cutting through many people, I couldn't watch anymore.

I didn't notice, but I had screamed, and what used to be my brother turned to look at me. He asked me why I was crying, he said they got what they deserved. No one deserves this. Innocent lives were harmed, they may have done something bad, but they didn't deserve this.

He laughed at my words, sputtering to himself about how everyone deserved to be hurt, I didn't want to see my brother like this. I looked around to see so many people, dead. Where was all the positivity, why was it all gone?

I approached what was my brother, he was still in there right? I pleaded with him to come back, I told him that it didn't matter, that I forgive him. I pulled out the last golden apple, would this be the solution? Could this bring my brother back?

He attacked me, I was thrown to the ground, I couldn't breathe. I couldn't escape the shell of my body, the negative aura wouldn't let me. He asked for the apple, but this would plunge the universes into complete darkness, I couldn't, I wouldn't let this happen.

I took a bite into the last apple, positivity invaded my body, I joined together with my body, and formed a soul. I could hear others talking, from so very far away, and I could feel what they were feeling. It was all so confusing, but I knew what I had to do. The pain and negativity began to hurt me, I couldn't just flee from everyone's pain. I summoned a weapon, not one that has the intention to hurt, a weapon for defensive than offensive, a light staff.

As Nightmare tried to fight me, I protected myself with this "weapon", until I stopped. There was so much happening, so many people, so many feelings, both positive and negative, it was all so confusing.

I was too late, I turned to face my brother, but before I could fully turn my head, a feeling of darkness and cold passed over me, and everything went black.


More information about Dream I need to keep in mind. There's not really a strength or weakness that lies inside these notes, but it's a very interesting story.

I had some time to myself again, I went through some of Geno's notes, and found some notes that burned my hand when I passed by them, interesting. I asked for some materials to get to these, Nightmare gave me some information and sent me off. I got some passcodes and a blacklight for some reason. The passcode read "I am a stupid idiot and never should have done this do do do 1 and 2" Mature Geno, real mature.

As there was a full stack of these pages I had to search through, I turned on the blacklight under some suspicion that I would miss some secret. I flipped through about seventy pages when I found a message.

"I... am dead, thank you for trying to find out about me, I appreciate it, buddy. Very flattering." Along with a sketch of a tube, and a knife.

And that was it. I wasted my time on this. I took the notes to see if there was some other code or something that had to do with the doodles.

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