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After a while, no one was bothering me. It was odd at first not having to constantly deal with threats, but I began to relax more and more. When I actually did get into a fight, with the Dust Sans' power, it was easy to get rid of other potential threats. The Dust Sans wasn't hesitating with following my movements unless it was a situation where he thought he was in mortal danger. When I was able to go and act fresh, there would be points where I almost forgot that this wasn't my body. It was always strange when I'd come to the realization over and over again.

As expected, I was forced back into the reality of constant life and death scenarios when none other than Geno came back. It was a rude wake-up call that I didn't expect to be so forceful in the "wake-up" part of it.

Geno managed to get a human's soul, and what does he do with that kind of power? Use it for a little test by putting it into the Dust Sans' eye socket. That soul appeared in front of me, but I backed as far away as I could from it, refusing to go anywhere near it. I started to freak out when it glowed even brighter and gave off the sensation of burning. I hissed in pain, gripping the only thing that was right next to me, the Dust Sans' soul, as I felt myself beginning to separate. I never considered if the soul would stay with my new host or if it would remain in me, as I would become a melting mess in the process, so I held on. If this was really how I was going down, I wasn't going to let my host get away.

It felt like the Dust Sans' skull was caving in around me. His soul tried to move towards the human soul, in which I tried so hard to maneuver it out of the way, but I failed. His soul drifted towards the human soul, surprisingly, the Dust Sans' soul shattered the human's in almost an instant. New determination leaked where the soul once was, being sucked into the swirling mass of the rest of the determination by the Dust Sans. That thing always looked like a unstable, one touch could most likely unleash it all inside the new host's head if any one of us was too distracted to manage it.

As I tried to calm myself after the scenario, I looked to see if anything was out of place, the body seemed relatively fine. All that seemed a bit worrying was a part of the skull that looked thinner than the rest of it from almost melting, a weak spot, seeming like the body could heal just enough, but not everything.

As I looked through to the outside, I saw that Geno was still standing there, dumbfounded by these results. I began to attack. I landed only one attack, a spear made of bone that embedded into Geno's leg before he escaped.

A bit afterwards, I came to another universe that I had seen a couple of times, Negatale. In this universe, there were two Sanses, one looked agitated in a way, and the other looked exhausted, yet he stayed playing a card game. The tired one looked at me and sighed, saying he wanted to get "this" over with. I was about to ask what he was talking about before he attacked.

A fight ensued, and it was no contest, I had won. Yet, it was odd seeing this Sanses reaction. He willingly landed himself into the direct line of my attack. Why? It was confusing to see someone seeming like they wanted to die, another thing I didn't understand about both monsters and humans I guess.

PerspectiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora