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The stress was already setting in, luckily I found another universe, same people, hopefully not the same issue. If I encounter anyone while there, I just have to hope that my host doesn't get any ideas, I have no control over what is said on them. Until I found that with another soul in the body, for some reason the host can't control my shades.

In the other universe, there was an immediate difference, two skeletons, both looking like my host. I've caught on that these ones are smarter, harder to trick, so I duck into the trees so I'm not seen, I look around to see if the other one is there, but he is nowhere to be seen. I poke my head out from the brush, and I see an odd sight. One of the skeletons, a Sans I believe he's called, killed the other Sans. I was surprised, but ignored it mostly, until the other Sans turned to look at me, I quickly ducked back in, and teleported somewhere else.

I was in another place, still in this universe, but in another part of it. Small crystals glow in the dark, resembling glimmering stars. A few small pools of bright blue water lay around me. Up ahead there was a house, with two figures in front. To my luck, it was the skeleton I was looking for, and another, which didn't really matter. From behind the rocks, I fired a few beams. I looked back over, the skeleton had turned to dust, but his soul had not yet appeared. The other, however, was still standing. As I peeked to look, I saw her one eye, staring deep inside of me, guess I have more work to do. She looked so close to turning to dust, I could see her physical form dissipating. As I was about to fire another beam before I could, I heard her speak something, I didn't need to hear what she had to see. Then a large, burning flash of light appeared, and when I looked back, I knew this wouldn't be easy.

She was wearing armor, spiked to the tips, a large heart in the center, the eye patch she had been wearing was now off, and a stream of light shot out from the empty socket. With her spear in hand, I was also ready with my own attacks. She fired her spears from all directions. I summoned a bone that I could use to block. They started out pretty slow, then as they got faster, I could feel something scratch into my arm. Once her turn had ended, I looked to see one of the spears grazed me, leaving a large tear into the jacket, and a few scratches on my arms. I fired my own few attacks, I didn't know when she would go down.

After a few exchanges of attacks, she had weakened. I finally fired another attack, and she looked about ready to dust. She said a few more last words, but rather than dust, it was more of a melted pile, determination had gotten the better of her. I saw that the other skeleton's soul was still there, so I grabbed it and brought it back inside. I then looked at myself, pain shot into my spine, as I got up, scratches were here and there on my body, or rather my host's body, I'm surprised he wasn't dusted right then and there. These scratches weren't too noticeable, so I walked on, with a brand new soul. I looked to see ahead of me, the Sans, who knows how long he's been standing there, but another witness, another soul to shatter.

As I chatted with him for a bit, he kept eluding to something, then I realized, he's the one that got away, the one that I wanted to use as another soul for energy. He fired at me, I barely dodged, due to my weakness from the previous fight only moments ago. I was too weak to fight again, so I just tried to talk my way out, not something I usually do, but hey, worth a shot right? I tried not to show it, but with all the pain I was experiencing, and how I'm at this Sans' mercy, I'm absolutely terrified, I felt that I was shaking a bit, still trying to reason. Then, he finally said, that if I brought his universe back, we could be "friends"

I've never really been able to understand this concept. Apparently, you're supposed to do something beneficial to another, even if it means getting yourself hurt. Why would they do this? Humans and monsters are an interesting bunch. On an overall survival standpoint, it seems ridiculous, yet they are able to thrive. How? Why?

Despite this usually happening, I happily oblige, knowing that I can gain their trust in this way. I leave and perform one of my little magic tricks. Being realistic, I'm not a god, I can't just bring universes back, but what I can do is something that has relatively the same effects. What I simply do is find a universe that was the same as the other one, and kill the Sans there, giving the illusion that the first Sans is right back where they belong. I come back and bring the Sans to his "new" universe. He seems pleased, then I'm off again, problem solved.

I don't know why people are they way they are, I just act on what I see as "good" I analyze, sometimes from afar, sometimes right then in the moment. Analyzing the good and the bad. For a long time, I've not only studied what is considered a "social norm" but also what can be used to gain an upper hand. Manipulation, acting, that kind of stuff, it's worked for the most part, but there's something else that most people drive to get. Control. Control over their life, over what they get in it. Sometimes, even control over others. When I'm meeting new people I oblige to whatever meaningless task they want me to do. The same goes for people that have darker intentions, I do what they want, sometimes out of fear, or to give off the illusion. The illusion that they'll ever have control over someone, something like me. Their false sense of security that there is control, is what I use to strike.

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