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This is growing to be a really big number, 700!! I want to say thanks, I've been saying this a lot, but I really mean it, I'm really glad that people enjoy what I'm writing!!

~Host Sans

Back in that other universe, I was almost immediately greeted by the other Sans. He wanted me to leave, saying he didn't want to see me become that monster again. But I was there for the exact same reason he hasn't stopped, I've made it my job to be the one to kill it.

But I'm not dumb, I'm not going to go poking someone telling them that one of their greatest enemies, is going to be my kill. I'm not sure if he'd let me live if I said that I was the only one to do it. He began talking to someone, he said that "Pap" was okay with me tagging along. This almost broke my heart hearing this. He's reached the deep end of insanity, he's probably in some kind of denial, poor him, and to think, if he didn't save me, I would have probably been like him, alone, manifesting a voice for a now dead brother.

As he sent me to search the house, I saw that he tripped over something. I asked if he was ok, he got up, saying that he was. He looked at the ground, looking at what he tripped on, a wide smile crept across his face. He grabbed at something, and when he brought it into his hand, I too smiled. It was the parasite, already looking hurt, with a look of fear on his face. Just the way I liked it.

It was the first time I had been genuinely happy in a long time. I wanted this moment to last forever. I've seen how this Sans has killed people, he's an expert at torture. I'll let him take the wheel for now, so this can be the worst experience of this parasite's life. He was about to begin until this loud noise echoed. The other version of me told me to go into Grillby's. Me, not seeing anything yet, went in, thinking that he was going crazy again.

He came in still clutching the parasite, then went back out again. I waited for a while, then stepped outside, to see that both he and the parasite were gone. Did he ditch me? Oh hell no. There was no way I was going to miss torturing this thing. I don't know where they have gone until someone grabbed me from behind.

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