An Arrangement

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Something was wrong. The Dust Sans' soul was cracking, I didn't really care about that, what was the real problem was that it was getting harder to move. As I fought each step felt like it was getting slower and slower. I was getting weaker, but why? I could just shatter this soul now, but I haven't planned ahead yet, there's no new host to go to after this...

Nightmare approached me at some point again, I remembered the last time I saw him, so I kept my guard up. He somehow sensed this or something, because he assured me that things were fine, that he didn't care that I had the Dust Sans, I still couldn't trust him fully, but I did calm myself a bit.

He wanted to discuss something, about my old host. It was surprising, I thought he would have been dusted by now, strange. He told me that the old host wasn't doing anything, so he might as well put him out of his misery, though I knew that it was just an excuse to kill him, which again, I was fine with. He told me that when he was ready to do it, I could come and watch this execution. It would be an interesting sight to see, so I agreed.

Before he left, I asked what he was going to do in the meantime, I just wanted to see where he would be, so I could arrange whether or not I wanted to see him again until the little show. He didn't give too many details, just saying that he would do the usual, feeding off of the negative emotions of other AUs, things like that. I realized I probably wouldn't get much out of him, important information wise, so I bid him farewell as I went off again.

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