Caleb Imagine

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this is for @PrettySlayingFanfic
she requested an imagine but nothing specific so sorry if it's bad cause I'm just making it up as I go! Imagine this was like when Hanna found out Caleb was lying to her or whatever before they started dating and also I don't remember how but wasn't he like giving Mona info about her? If I'm wrong I'm sorry

"Y/N, come back!" Caleb shouts from down the hall at school. You keep walking as fast as you can with tears streaming down your face. You had freaked out during class when you got a text from A about what Caleb has been doing and you couldn't control yourself.

How could Caleb do that? The things you shared with him and the things you told him's unbelievable.

"Y/N!" he shouts. You make a sharp turn around a corner and look back to see Caleb grabbing your wrist. You try to shake your hand free but his grip is tight.

"Let me go!" you yell. He shakes his head and leads you to an empty stairwell. You fold your arms over your chest and sigh while avoiding eye contact with him.

"Y/N, listen to me," he starts. "I swear to god this hasn't been going on for long."

Oh, so you've only been spying on me for a little bit? Oh thank god, that makes me feel a lot better." you say sarcastically.

"Look, Mona came to me like the first day I met you, asked me to give her info for money. Once I found out how big this thing was and what she was doing with the information, I stopped." he says.

"You're a fucking liar Caleb." you say while walking away. He blocks you from leaving and you wait to hear more lies. "Caleb, I can't trust you! I told you so many things about myself and my life and you betrayed me!"

He sighs and rubs his face and just stares at you. "Please believe me Y/N. I really, really like you and I know I fucked up but I don't wanna lose you." he pleads.

You're caught between what to do. With everything you have been through, you've learned to trust very few people and build up walls. "Here," he starts while digging in his pocket and pulling out a hard drive. "This is what Mona wanted me to give her. Keep it, trash it, do whatever but please don't let me lose you."

You squeeze the hard drive in your hand and put it into your bag an look back up at Caleb. "What you did, I won't forget it but I can try to forgive it. I'm kind of, uhm, shitty at forgiving hi for you I'm willing to try." you explain. A small smile appears on his face and he walks towards you, closing the gap between the two of you.

"I will spend the rest of my life protecting you and telling you the truth." he whispers.

"Really?" you ask.

"Of course." At this point there is no space left between you and he presses his lips against yours and it feels right, like it's meant to be.

sorry this is so short !

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