Useless Facts About Me

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1. I'm 16 years old.
2. My birthday is July 28th
3. I have a psychotic 25 year old brother
4. I did gymnastics for 10 years
5. I do track now
6. I have asthma
7. I've gotten surgery twice
8. Once because I dislocated my elbow
9. The 2nd time was sinus surgery
10. In preschool, my teachers thought I physically couldn't speak because I was so shy
11. I have two dogs, Abby and Rolo
12. I have a tattoo on my wrist and it says "But still, like air, I'll rise" it's from a Maya Angelou poem about black girls
13. I'm sarcastic asf
14. My fave shows are PLL and The Walking Dead
15. I hate my brother. Not just a sibling hate, I hate him.
16. I've broken both of my feet at the same time
17. I've never had my 1st kiss
18. I didn't get my period until I was 15, almost 16. (U guys probably didn't need to know that but it's w/e)
19. I love long hair on guys
20. I have no idea what I wanna do after highschool. All I know is I wanna do track in college
21. J. Cole is my fave rapper
22. I also love Bob Dylan and Led Zeppelin and The Beatles ect
23. I love NWA and Public Enemy
24. I have a record player
25. I wanna be in a protest
26. My dads the black parent but my white mom taught me about NWA
27. That's it

much love to you all

laughing at my shit collage but oh well(:

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