You Catch Him Looking At You In Class

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A/N- In honor of everyone starting school and my first day of school tomorrow I thought I'd write a highschool related preference. I'll be junior tomorrow:/ I just want highschool to be over. Funfact- the classes in this update are all of my favorite subjects(:

Jason- You were in English, your favorite subject. This is the one class where you could truly enjoy what was being taught. Your teacher; Mrs. Jackson was teaching about symbols in the short stories you were reading at the time. You were focused on the lesson not bothering to look at your surroundings. 

Although you would prefer working independently, whenever you had a partner project you would be partners with the only person you know in the class; Jason Dilaurentis. Even though he was strictly 'off limits' you couldnt help but to be mesmerized by his looks. He would never see you in that way though. He would never see you as any more than one of Ali's followers. You were much more than that though. 

Towards the end of the class you cant help but feel eyes on you. You turn to your left and see nothing, then you turn to your right and see Jason staring at you. You're not sure what to do so you just look down nervously. When you look back you see him still looking at you. Now this isnt a 'glance' it's a stare. He flashes you a cute, crooked smile causing you to return the smile. 

After class you were at your locker putting away some binders. You see a hand creep up on the top of your locker making you peek from behind your locker. You see Jason standing with one hand in his front pocket and the other on your locker. 

"Hey," you say. 

"Hey Y/N," he replies. 

He doesnt say anything and neither do you. 

"You need something?" you laugh. 

"Will you go to a movie with me?" he asks. 

You cant help the huge smile growing on your face so you hide it behind your locker. 

"Yeah, sure," you say nonchalantly. 

"Good," he smiles while walking away. 

A/N- For the Mike preference imagine he is in the same grade as you. 

Mike- History; the one class that you like. Two of the girls were in the class with you, Spencer and Hanna. You sat inbetween both of them which is a curse and a blessing. A blessing because Spencer can give you answers all the time and a curse because most of the time you three cant stop laughing. Also, Aria's brother; Mike sits not directly behind you but diagonally.

You and Mike dont really talk. In the 6 years you have known Aria and the other girls, you and Mike have had many conversations. But you two used to be bestfriends until he got a girlfriend sophomore year and totally ditched you. It destroyed your friendship leaving it in ruins. 

You hear Hanna mumbling something random to you and you basically ignore it. That's until Spencer starts saying something. You mouth to her that you dont understand what she's saying.

Spencer's eyes start moving towards the seats behind you and you follow her eyes and find Mike looking at you. Your eyes make contact with his and he quickly adverts his gaze to his desk. You stifle a laugh at how awkward he is. While at your locker you see Mike at his which is 3 down from you. After you finish putting everything in your backpack you slam your locker shut loud enough for him to notice.

"You know I saw you looking at me," you state. 

"Yeah," he mumbles while smiling. 

"Let's hangout tonight. I miss my bestfriend," you say just above a whisper. 

"I miss mine to," 

Caleb- You were in the psychology which is your all time favorite class. The only other girl in it was Hanna. Suprisingly. Hanna just doest strike you as someone who would take that class. For some reason today you just couldnt focus. Your mind was definitely somewhere else. Not sure why, it just was.

You did know someone else in the class. Well not know personally but know of. Caleb Rivers. The schools latest 'bad boy'. You had to admit you liked the bad boy persona and you could never resist the long hair he had. If he was even gonna date anyone from school it probably wasnt gonna be you. You and the other girls have a reputation now, a label. Basically; 'friends of that dead girl' or 'Alison Dilaurentis' minions'. 

During class you had felt the need to get your water bottle which you had set beside your desk. You waited till everyone was paying attention to get it because you dont want everyone staring at you. When you reach down to get it you knock it over. As you go to pick it up you see a hand pick it up and hand it to you. It was Caleb. You silently thank him and go back to listening. Thats when you notice him staring at you. Instead of turning away or smiling he winks, sending a swarm of butterflies in your stomach. 

When your leaving school and walking to your car you see Caleb leaning on it with his arms crossed over his chest. You're not sure how to react so you keep walking towards it. You can feel yourself becoming more and more nervous. What if you say the wrong thing? 

"How did you know this is my car?" you smile. 

"I see you get out of it everyday," he explains. 

"Oh so do I have a stalker?" you joke while unlocking it. 

"No dont worry but I wanted to give you this," He hands you a small piece of paper. 

"Call me," he smirks. 

hope you liked this! well tomorrow i have the first day of my junior year. tbh im not even nervous im just so disguested by the fact of going to school like ew. to everyone who started already i hope its going good. to everyone starting to tomorrow or later; i wish you the best of luck.

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