A guy flirts with you- Mike Caleb Jason and Toby

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Mike- You're inside The Brew getting a cup of coffee while Mike was sitting down at a table. "2.25," Zach says. "Here you go," you say with a smile while handing him the money. When he takes the money you feel him put something in your hand. You look at it and it's his number. You scoff and look up at him. "Why did you give me this?" you ask. "Call it sometime," he laughs. "What's going on?" you hear Mike ask. Before you can answer Mike, see's the number and look up at Zach. "Seriously? You're dating my mom and you're hitting on my girlfriend?" Mike asks. "Stay the hell away from my girlfriend," Mike spits. "Come on let's go," you say while standing in front of Mike. He just scoffs and you two walk away.

"Did he say anything else to you?" Mike asks while you two get in the car. "No, he just gave me his number," you answer quietly. "Are you gonna tell your mom?" you ask slowly. "I don't even know (Y/N)," Mike says. "I'm sorry," you apologize. "You didn't do anything," he says while turning to you. He kisses you and hugs you. Mike is protective over you and doesn't want anything bad to happen to you so he will hurt anyone who tries to hurt on you or hit on you.

Caleb- Caleb and you are walking around Rosewood and going in different stores and all that. When you're walking down the street you catch a glance of a guy smiling at you and eyeing your body. Caleb looks at you and back at the guy. You both ignore it and stop somewhere to eat. Since it's nice out you guys want to eat outside so Caleb goes inside to order while you stay at the table. You pull out your phone and scroll through Instagram and your messages. "Hey," you hear a voice say. You look up to see that same guy sitting across the table from you. "Hello?" you question. "What's your name beautiful?" he asks. "Uhm-" Before you can answer, Caleb comes out of the store and see's the guy. "Get away from my girlfriend please," he spits. The man stands up and Caleb walks towards him. You jump in front of Caleb before he can do anything. "Caleb just let it go," you say slowly. The guy walks away looking terrified.

"Are you okay? Did that creep touch you?" Caleb asks. "No, I'm fine," you smile. "Sorry I just don't want others guys staring at you and everything," Caleb admits. "I love you," I say. "I love you to," Caleb replies. He leans in and kisses you and you cant help but smile into the kiss.

Jason- You were at school and you had to go to the bathroom so you asked the teacher to go. When you get into the hallway and on your way to the bathroom you see a guy walking down the same hallway as you; just staring at you. You didn't like when you were alone in the hallway with a guy. So you decide to turn a corner and at like you had gone to class. It was a vacant part of the hallway so you though you would be safe. All of a sudden the guy comes at you and stand right in front of you. "Excuse me," you mutter while trying to push your way past him. He blocks your path and you start to freak out. "Can I get past you?" you snarled. He puts his hand on the wall above you and you can feel his breath beat against your face. "Get.Away.From.Me," you say. He begins to press kisses on your neck. "Get off of me!" you yell while pushing him off. "Hey, Hey, Hey!" you hear someone yell. You see your boyfriend and counselor Jason run up and push the guy off. The boy looks scared and walks away. "I'll be contacting your teacher!" Jason yells.

"(Y/N) are you okay?" Jason asks you; panicked. You nod but don't speak. You look to him with tears brimming your eyes. You just stare at each other before you throw yourself into his arms. He envelopes you in a hug and you bury your head into his chest. At this point you are sobbing. "Shh. It's okay," he coos. "I love you (Y/N)," Jason says. "I love you to," you say with a shaky voice.

Toby- You, your friends and Toby are at one of Noel Kahn's house parties. Everyone was having a good time but you were getting freaked out because the same guy keeps staring at you from across the room. You've had some to drink so your a little clumsy on your feet. You look around for Toby but cant find him. You wanna leave so you go on a search for him. You check every room and you are on your way back downstairs. "Toby?" you call. Out of nowhere the guy pushes you against the wall and starts grinding on you. "Stop," you words slur on the way out. "Get off me," you try again. "Get off of her," you hear Toby say. The man is yanked off of you and pushed to the floor. "(Y/N)" Toby says while rushing to your arms. Toby hugs you and this is enough to sober you up. "Thank you," you whisper into his shoulders. "I love you. You're safe now," Toby says. "I love you to," you reply.

Hope you liked this(:

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