Scared (Telling your Parents you're pregnant pt2 Jason)

Start from the beginning

"She's gonna be okay." her mom smiles sadly while keeping her gaze fixed on Y/N. Her dad sends me a glare which I gladly return. Y/N wouldn't be in this room, this predicament if it weren't for them.

"You can go now Jason." her dad states. Her mom sighs and stand up.

"Y/D/N," she starts.

"No. He got her pregnant he shouldn't he here. He isn't gonna help this baby and he probably won't help Y/N." he snaps. How dare he say anything like that.

"Are you kidding me?" I scoff.

"You don't know her." This is where I draw the line.

"I don't know her? How about you don't know her. You don't know the first thing about your daughter. Her favorite color?" I ask. They both stand in silence, as I expected.

"Red. She's constantly writing about leaving Rosewood. Did you know that? She always parts her hair on side which you probably haven't noticed. She hates ketchup. She absolutely can't leave the house without having a headband with her. She wants to do social work after highschool but you two probably haven't bothered to ask her that. I could go on." I rant. I glance over at Y/N who is slowly and painfully waking up. I can practically see the fear in her eyes.


Your eyes flutter open and what you scares you. Tubes and IV's are in you and the room you're in is white. Blinding white. You spot your parents and then Jason who looks quite angry. Your head is pounding and you don't know where you're at or why you're here. You begin breathing fast and trying to rip the IV's out of your arms and Jason rushes to your side and holds your arms.

"Where am I? Let me go!" you yell.

"Sh. Sh. It's okay. You're okay. You're in the hospital." Jason says. You glance behind him at your parents and your mom has bloodshot eyes and your dad is pretty emotionless which isn't unusual.

"Why am I here? What happened? Is the baby okay?" you cry. The tears rest in the scratches and cuts on your face and causes it to sting.

"You were in a car accident. The baby is okay." he answers you. You look at him with furrowed eyebrows and slightly wide eyes.

"How? I-is anyone hurt? Are they okay? Who was it?"

"Sh. Nobody's hurt. Just rest okay? You need to calm down." he whispers softly. Eventually you calm down and say hi to your parents who are actually still upset about the baby even when you're in the hospital.

Soon, you fall asleep while your mom and Jason are in the room. You're not quite fully asleep so when they begin to talk, you don't open your eyes.

"You're right." your mom states. There's a shirt silence that is soon replaced by your mom. "We don't know the first thing about our own daughter. We spent so long teaching her things and telling her things. Make sure to get good grades. Say no to drugs. Never drink and drive. We never really got to know her." A tear slips out of your eye at what your mom said.

"She just-" Jason starts. "It killed her to tell me let alone you guys. I can help her as much as I can but sometimes that's not enough. I'm not saying she doesn't need parents because she does but right now, she just needs a mom." Jason explains. "She's so smart and beautiful and stubborn. She's gonna tell you she doesn't need help because she doesn't want to feel like a burden but she does and like I said I can only do so much." he adds.

"Thank you Jason." your mom says.

"For what?" he questions.

"Protecting her, loving her. Being there." You hear your mom get up and walk out which only leaves Jason. You open your eyes and see Jason staring intently at you.

"What?" you ask. He smiles and brings his chair next to the bed.

"I'm just really glad you're okay." You smile as he kisses your forehead.

"Is this the hit and run?" you hear someone ask from outside your door. Suddenly a doctor walks in.

Hit and Run?

"How are you feeling Y/N?" she asks.

"Fine." you state.

"I'm just checking your vitals and everything. You have a broken foot, a concussion and the rest is just cuts and scrapes. Your baby is fine. You'll be fine." she smiles. You smile back at her as she walks away.

"Hit and Run?" you ask while turning to Jason. "It was obviously A." you mutter. Jason sighs and takes your hand in his.

"How are we supposed to take care of this baby when I can barley keep myself safe?" you ask.

"We'll do it. We'll be fine."

hope you liked this one cause I did!

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