Chapter 107 Life is like a dream

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When Gu Jing heard the begging for mercy and saw Ruan Qiu's struggle, he became even more furious.

Ruan Qiu has not violated him or asked him for anything like this for a long, long time.

He could accept Ruan Qiu begging him for money to attend an art exhibition abroad or for expensive art supplies, but he would never accept Ruan Qiu begging him to avoid scolding him.

The coat covered a quarter of Ruan Qiu's upper body, outlining the outline of a vague head.

Through the thick coat and cloak, Gu Jing pressed down hard on the back of Ruan Qiu's head. The feeling of suffocation was felt instantly. Ruan Qiu was like a fish drowned in the sea, his whole body twitching pitifully due to lack of air.

The wound on his back was almost as deep as the flesh, but Ruan Qiu couldn't even moan. His nose and mouth were blocked by the smell of citrus and cedar. His pupils were dilated and there were water stains sliding down his cheeks. His pale face turned red instantly.

For a moment, Ruan Qiu really thought that he was going to die from this smell.

Gu Mang, Gu Mang...

He was chanting the name in his mind, but the second before he lost consciousness and fell into darkness, dazzling white light refracted into his eyes.

The cloak had been lifted up at some point, and Gu Jing grabbed the entire hair on the back of Ruan Qiu's head and hung it on his hand like a dead fish. His eyes were facing the dazzling crystal lamp in the bedroom.

Ruan Qiu's mouth was half-opened, his eyes were open blankly, and his chest was rising and falling very frequently, but the amplitude was very small.

His eyes were deep-socketed, and the tears that had just accumulated in them rolled down in drops, giving him a feeling of despondency like a night of autumn rain and begonia water.

"Bitch," Gu Jing was obviously very angry. He threw Ruan to the ground hard and stepped on Ruan Qiu's waist. He gritted his teeth and the veins on his forehead popped out: "How dare you fucking react to me?"

Ruan Qiu curled up his body, trying to hide something shameful. He closed his eyes brokenly, just wanting to lie down for a while, just lie down for a while.

He wanted to lie down for a while, empty his humble body and dirty soul, and make his self-blaming mood feel better, but Gu Jing didn't even give him a moment. He picked up his head again and threw it into the cloak. Gu Mang's The breath invaded the lungs again, and a new round of punishment had just begun.

Ruan Qiu was pressed into the citrus and cedar-scented coat again. The stinging pain on his back and the dirty feeling in his heart shattered the little bit of shame he had left. This time, he collapsed and finally cried out. The voice comes:

"No, don't! No-"

His broken resistance and screams were covered by the cloak, and seemed so small compared to the more violent beatings. However, Gu Mang's smell seemed to penetrate into his heart along with the whippings that were carved into the bone marrow, in a distinct way. Different ways into his bloodstream.

An uncontrollable feeling could no longer be controlled. Ruan Qiu raised his neck and straightened his upper body as if on the verge of death, then fell down softly.

Then everything went dark, and I fainted for an unknown amount of time. When I woke up again, it was still dark.


He didn't have the strength to even move his fingers. Ruan Qiu bit his lip and tried hard to prop up his elbows, but as soon as he moved, it was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, and ripples of pain appeared all over his body.

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