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Chapter 76 You Will Always Be My Slave

    Luci used the excuse of going to the bathroom, got rid of the bodyguard at the door, and walked on the gravel road.

    Just getting out of the warm and comfortable bed, the oncoming cold wind made her shiver uncontrollably.

    Ever since she came to Earth, since she met Ah Shuang, she has always been surrounded by a kind of warmth, as if it is in the bottom of her heart, but also in her body. It seemed that Ah Shuang had dispelled the cold for her, and she couldn't remember how long it had been since she felt the bone-chilling chill.

    When she came to the gate of the hospital, she stopped and waited.

    She knew that she didn't need her to find Xiao Hong, Xiao Hong would find her by herself.

    Sure enough, not long after, a black van stopped in front of her.

    The car door was opened, the people inside got out of the car, and a woman in a black suit made a please gesture to her.

    Lu Ci looked back at the direction of the ward, and got into the car resolutely.

    The heater in the car was fully turned on, which slowed her down a little.

    The woman in the suit sat obliquely behind her. In addition, there was a driver in the front seat, and there was no extra manpower. It seemed that Xiao Hong knew that she would definitely attend the appointment, so she never thought of using other means to kidnap herself .

    She knows herself too well.

    The woman in the back seat handed over a black blindfold. Lu Ci glanced at it and put it on. Immediately afterwards, her wrists were also bound. The woman checked her pockets, but found no cell phone.

    Luci's heart skipped a beat.

    Xiao Hong has always been flamboyant, but now she is so cautious, and she is afraid of remembering the route, which shows that she is also very afraid on Earth.

    Lu Ci closed her eyes and was going to sleep for a while. She gave up on memorizing the route. Since Xiao Hong took precautions, the driver would probably take her around some detours. It would take too much brain cells. Recharge.

    Although she needs to recharge her energy, she can't sleep well.

    She was worried about Chi Shuang, if Ah Shuang suddenly woke up and saw that she was not there, how worried would she be?

    After thinking about it, my mood is even more uneasy.

    After a long time, she felt the car come to a slow stop, she heard the creaking sound of the iron door opening, the car started again, and after a while, it stopped again and turned off the engine.

    The car door was opened, Lu Ci's heart shuddered, and he sat up straight.

    She was led out of the car by someone's arm. The man did not remove her blindfold, but helped her to continue walking.

    This should be outside, and there are fine stones on the ground.

    She went down a few steps, and there was a cold feeling around her. It should be a basement or something. It was very empty, and the footsteps of the two echoed in her ears.

    After walking about twenty steps, the woman beside her stopped and let go of her hand. There was the sound of the seat rubbing against the ground in front of her. Immediately afterwards, Lu Ci was supported by the woman and placed on the seat . The woman removed the restraint on her wrist, the sound of footsteps gradually receded, and it was time to leave.

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