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Chapter 25 You Are Not Deserving of Love

    As soon as everyone finished work, the rain began to fall.

    Lu Ci went back to the room, took a shower, heard the heavy rain outside, and went to the window to take a look.

    The bean-sized raindrops hit the window with a crackling noise, which made her flustered, so she drew the curtains.

    Lu Ci leaned on the head of the bed, rubbed his forehead, and kept thinking about the scene of Chi Shuang pounced on him to protect him.

    Although she knew she was filming, she was still very touched.

    She is greedy for Chi Shuang's warmth, likes Chi Shuang's smell, she wants to hug her more, but there is always a voice in her mind, "You are not worthy of love." Lu Ci felt a little dizzy, and glanced at the

    time , Thinking of taking a nap before dinner.

    As soon as he closed his eyes, his limbs felt weak, and his consciousness fell into darkness.

    She felt that someone had pinched her hands and feet and put heavy shackles on her. The cold touch made her scalp numb and her back feel chilly.

    "Deer Ci." The woman's low voice rang in her ears.

    Lu Ci's pupils shrank sharply, and her memory was pulled back to the dark years that she desperately wanted to forget.

    "Why is your mouth so hard? Do you have to let me pry open your mouth and pull out your teeth one by one, so that you will know what obedience is?" "Huh?" Lu Ci


    very Terrified, the surroundings were pitch black, she couldn't see anything, but she could feel that the woman's two hands clamped her chin tightly.

    "Or do you think I won't use that trick against you? Huh?"

    "No...don't..." Lu Ci widened his eyes and shook his head desperately.

    There is light gradually in front of my eyes, and the seductive face of a woman is close at hand! Lu Ci wanted to hide, only to find that his hands and feet were bound and tied to the iron cage.

    "Okay, then I'll give you another chance."

    "Tell me, what should you call me?"

    The woman looked at Lu Ci playfully.

    Lu Ci bit his lip, with tears in his eyes, he shook his head at the woman.


    "Go and call everyone, and let everyone see how this self-proclaimed top omega is in heat." "No, don't!


    The woman ignored Lu Ci's plea, holding a She dangled an injection in front of Luci's eyes, enjoying her frightened look, and then injected the injection into the glands behind Luci's neck.

    "Uh..." Lu Ci suddenly raised her head, feeling the sudden hotness in her body, and a strong desire that she had never had before constantly impacted her consciousness.

    The woman unshackles her and sets her free for a while.

    The girls and the people in black all gathered around, looking indifferently at Lu Ci in the iron cage.

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