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Chapter 74 I want to see you

    It took Lu Ci a full three days before the heat on his body receded. The glands at the back of his neck were no longer swollen and painful, but they were still pink.

    Chi Shuang caressed gently, and Lu Ci shook his head, "You can't touch it." "


    "Didn't I say that after I mark it completely, I will enter the fever period at any time according to your preference."

    " So if I touch your glands now, you will...?"

    "My glands are very fragile now, it's okay to touch them lightly, but you can't force them, let alone bite them!"

    Chi Shuang nodded, turned and went to the cabinet I took a Band-Aid to help her cover the gland so she wouldn't accidentally touch it.

    Lu Ci looked at her gentle look, and smiled contentedly, "A Shuang, it's a good thing you're not an alpha." "


    "I read in the book that after an alpha fully marks an omega, It will stimulate a very strong desire for control, and the weakness period after the omega is completely marked makes it easier for the alpha to train them better, making their bodies more sensitive and easy to bear the alpha's desire at any time."

    Chi Shuang rubbed her hair, "Even if you tell me that, I still can't imagine what kind of miserable life omega lives on such a planet." "

    That's hell."

    Chi Shuang stroked her lips Jiao, "Does this mean I don't have to be afraid of Xiao Hong?"

    "Well, I used to be afraid of her violating me. She is an alpha, and I can't resist, but now I'm not afraid, she can't invade me anymore."

    Lu Ci said this He was smiling when he spoke, and there was a firmness in his eyes that Chi Shuang couldn't understand.

    "This is a country with laws, so she can't do anything wrong."

    Lu Ci smiled and turned over, "A Shuang, do you think Tao Tao's matter has anything to do with her?"

    "I've also thought about this issue, and I asked Zhihan to help investigate. Tao Tao is still young, if she is the one who instigates and guides behind the scenes, then she has an unshirkable responsibility." "If she really participated in it, how could she do it?

    " Leaving evidence." Lu Ci shook his head.

    "The battle hasn't been fought yet, so why are you getting discouraged first?"

    Lu Ci thought for a while, and yes, this is the earth after all, and alphas have no right to speak here. During the susceptible period, Alpha will grow a second set of organs. She is a woman, and having that thing should be considered an anecdote on Earth.

    etc! Alpha has a susceptible period, how did she solve it?

    Lu Ci suddenly frowned and sat up.

    "What's wrong?"

    "A Shuang, we have to go to Tao Tao, I have something to ask her!"

    "Now? Can you?"

    "Yes." Lu Ci hurriedly got up, dressed and washed.

    Seeing this, Chi Shuang didn't stop her anymore.

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