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Chapter 48 Nobody Lives!


    "Someone is following the car." Chi Shuang's voice came from the microphone.

    An Zhihan frowned, "Xiao Shuang?"

    "Sister Fu, ah!" Lu Ci exclaimed, followed by a ping-pong-pong sound, and the voices of the two were intermittent.

    "Xiao Ci, where are you? Tell me where you are!" "

    I'll send you the location."

    "Okay, I'll be there right away." Jiang Fu hurriedly put on her clothes, and when she turned her head, An Zhihan pulled up her shirt and draped it. On his body, he said to her, "Let's go."


    "A-Shuang, A-Shuang, your hand." Lu Ci saw Chi Shuang's left hand was bloodied by glass shards, and was terrified.

    "It's okay." Chi Shuang said in a deep voice, looking in the rearview mirror from time to time, the car was still following them!

    Lu Ci took a deep breath, kept calm, and looked back, the car just now suddenly accelerated to the left of the two of them, and hit it hard, causing the left door to squeeze and deform, and there was a gap in the window, and Ah Shuang evaded to the right, but the door on the right hit the barrier and was obviously deformed.

    this is too scary! This clearly wants their lives!

    While driving, Chi Shuang was observing the road conditions. When she saw the car speeding up again and catching up, Chi Shuang also speeded up immediately to avoid the two cars paralleling each other.

    "Xiaolu, there is a convenience store in front of me. I will stop in a while, and you go down first."

    "What about you?"

    "Leave me alone, you go down first."


    "Be obedient."

    "I don't worry if you are out of danger It's gone."

    "What are you talking about!" Lu Ci's eyes turned red anxiously.

    During the dispute between the two, the vehicle behind hit it again.

    Chi Shuang stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the car drove towards the convenience store quickly. Before reaching the convenience store, a sharp braking sound tore through the night sky, "Get off!" Lu Ci buckled the door lock, only to find that the door was deformed due to the impact

    , I can't open it, and I can't roll down the window.

    It was the same situation with Chi Shuang.

    The two looked at the rapidly approaching car from the rearview mirror, Chi Shuang's throat soared, and he clenched the steering wheel.

    "Little deer..."

    Chi Shuang spoke to her, but she didn't hear her, her ears were filled with the roar of the engine, and she watched those two dazzling lights engulfing her!

    At the very moment, Chi Shuang stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel sharply to the left, and took the main driving side to meet the impact.

    "A Shuang—"

    A blood-colored petal bloomed on the car window, alluring and dazzling.

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