Chapter 141

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Gu Gao began to build up momentum in the capital, and in the name of the old servant of Hou's mansion, he brought Mrs. Sun to sue Dali Temple, claiming that Su Nuan was not the son of Hou's mansion, he was a meticulous work sent by others, and those who pointed out the evidence of Mrs. Hou's murder. It's all fake and forged. Mrs. Hou was wronged, and Mr. Hou was innocently affected. The real son of Hou's family was replaced by the Su family when he was very young. It was the Su family who wanted him. This is the only way that the child of the Hou family enjoys this glory and wealth for the son of the Hou family. The real master of the Hou family is another child of the Su family!

For a time, public opinion in the capital was boiling, but the gate of Du Mansion was guarded by Qi Cheng's personal guards, and no one could break in.

Early in the morning, in the Du residence, Du Qingchen took Su Dong's hand and said, "Brother Dong, are you afraid?"

Su Dong shook his head, "I'm not afraid, Brother Nuan has already done the hardest thing for me, so there is only so much trouble left, I It's ok!"

Su Dong wanted to say something, but he closed his mouth silently, it was just a dream, there was no need to tell Qingchen, at this time, Qingchen must be full of thoughts on how to protect his family, how to let him Because of such a small distraction, maybe he was just too upset and had a nightmare, which is not worth mentioning, although the scene in the dream really made his heart shiver, and it has not eased up until now.

Du Qingchen smiled, "Don't be afraid, just remember, confirm your identity first, as for the Su family exchange, all the evidence has been prepared, Qi Cheng quickly sent his subordinates back to us to get a confession, and the official seal of Feng county magistrate. Sealed to testify, and even brought our fellow villagers over as witnesses, which is enough to prove that you and Brother Nuan were replaced by grandma, so you don't have to be afraid of hurting your parents."

Su Dong nodded heavily.

"Let's go!" Du Qingchen took Su Dong's hand and walked out. In the hall, Su Nuan, Qi Cheng and others were all there, Su's father and Su's mother looked at Du Qingchen with worry.

Du Qingchen smiled and said, "Don't worry, be prepared, everything will be fine." Du Qingchen looked back at Su Dong, "Brother Dong also won't have stage fright."

Su Dong said: "I can do it."

Qi Cheng got up and said, "Then let's go! Don't let the officials outside wait too long."

Du Qingchen and Su Dong, Su Nuan and Su's father went out together. Outside the door, Dali The officers of the temple have been blocked for a long time, and when they finally saw the person who came out, when they saw Qi Cheng was there, they hurriedly stepped forward and saluted, and said, "Our lord is arraigning the Su family, is Marshal Qi going too?

" My fiancé is also there, so of course I'm going." The

clerk paused, then said, "I'm afraid the marshal will wait outside the hall."

"Of course." Qi Cheng nodded.

Above the court, Du Qingchen and Su Dong and Su Nuan and Su's father went to the lobby together. Ning Hou was already there. When he saw Su Dong, he immediately rushed over and grabbed Su Dong's arm. Holding Su Dong's arm, "Heaven is pitiful, I finally see my biological son, my son, you have suffered all these years, it's your father's fault, he lost you, made you live in the countryside, eat So many years of suffering..."

Su Dong stared at the person in front of him with wide eyes, but the more he looked, the more unfamiliar he felt. Although he was wearing a prison uniform, the old man with only messy hair was his biological father. ? Is it the incompetent, cold and selfish Ning Hou that Su Nuan said? ! Su Dong was faintly flustered, and the dream from last night unexpectedly came back to his mind, occupying his mind and making him upset.

Du Qingchen smiled and pulled Ning Hou from Su Dong's arm, and said, "Master Hou, there is still a case to be tried! Why don't we wait until the case is over, and then we can talk about our relationship."

Ning Hou glanced at Du Qingchen, then said: Gu Gao guessed that this is what Gu Gao said, his son-in-law. Although he is a countryman, Ning Hou doesn't care about this at the moment. Those who can help him are good sons-in-law! It doesn't matter what the status is, so he nodded with a smile, "Okay, okay! A talented person has not humiliated my child."

Du Qingchen smiled and pushed Ninghou back to his original position.

"Who is in the hall? Sign up!" The adults of Dali Temple put on an unselfish appearance, but in fact, Qi Cheng had already managed him. known to outsiders.

Everyone gave a big ceremony. Although Ning Hou was arraigned from the prison, he did not lose his title, and he was the only one standing in the entire hall.

Du Qingchen cupped his hands and answered the identities of several people. Su Dong and Su's father kept their heads down and did not answer. Behind Du Qingchen, Su Dong bowed his head and looked a little dazed. Clearly illusory, let alone hearing the conversation around him, all his thoughts were immersed in his dream last night.

In the dream, Brother Nuan was taken away by the people from the Hou Mansion, and the people from the Hou Mansion also left a message. The Su family was shunned by the people from Shiliba Village, but there was no Du Qingchen in his dream. In his dream, He stayed at home for another year, and Su's father and Su's mother really couldn't find a particularly suitable one for him, so he could only choose a family from another county, and his family was fairly well-off. First, he hoped that he would marry farther away. , so that he won't be entangled by rumors again, and secondly, he doesn't want him to suffer from poverty.

But Su's father and Su's mother are both simple and unskilled people. How can they see the dirty inside of others under the splendor? ! Who would have thought that he originally thought he was just lame, but his family was wealthy, and he would not despise his child's son-in-law. Beneath his honest and honest face, there was actually a scorpion's heart!

Not long after Su Dong got married, he was tortured to death. Even the family he married did not allow him to go out to socialize with others, let alone go back to his parents' home to file a complaint. In addition, his temperament was submissive, and he didn't understand at all. He resisted, and it was not until after his death that his parents knew about the grievances he suffered at his in-law's house.

But he is already dead, and only the remnant remains...

He watched Su's father and Su's mother make trouble at the other's house. He waited until Su Nuan sent a letter to the family, and watched a message from Feng County magistrate Yin Qi Cheng to avenge his grievance. Seeing the grief of their parents, the white-haired man sent the black-haired man, and never forgave Su Nuan, even if they finally learned that Su Nuan was their biological son...

Su Dong was in a trance, he was called twice by Du Qingchen but still did not respond. Du Qingchen had no choice but to pull Su Dong's clothes and said, "Your Excellency is asking questions!

" The grown-up sat high, as if he was still the remnant of his soul, floating in mid-air, watching the officials try the case like a bystander, avenging his grievances.

Seeing Su Dong's erratic expression, Master Yuan obviously didn't hear his question just now, so he endured his dissatisfaction. After all, this person is the key to the Hou's case. For the great cause of the fifth prince, he also endured it. Yuan Luo repeated it again. Once again, "Su Dong, this official asks you, are you, as Mrs. Sun and Gu Gao said, the son of the Hou's mansion?"

Su Dong understood, during the time when he was in a trance, the case had already been tried here. Just like Du Qingchen and the others planned.

Su Dong raised his head and replied, "Yes."

Next to him, Ning Hou breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Su Dong was not in good condition, Du Qingchen said in a low voice, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Su Dong shook his head fiercely. He was not uncomfortable, but...Su Dong looked up in the direction of Ning Hou, and then turned to look again. Looking at Su Nuan next to him, Su Nuan looked back strangely.

Du Qingchen whispered, "Brother Dong, are you scared?"

Su Nuan also looked at him worriedly.

Su Dong bit his lip and bowed his head. He was always so useless. He was bullied to death in a dream. The results of it? ! He died, so what if Su Nuan avenged him in the end? But the pain of his parents and his life, who can really repay? !

It's the same now, obviously in the trial, he promised Qingchen, Su Nuan, Qi Cheng, and everyone, that he would behave well and protect everyone, but he was still in a daze because of a dream, even a little He doesn't even have the guts to take responsibility, he clearly wants to... protect everyone, obviously... this is a case about him!

In the dream, he died, and he could only watch bystanders plead for his injustice. Now that he is alive, should he rely entirely on others to defend him? !

Su Dong raised his head, took a deep breath, looked more serious, and whispered: "I'm fine."

He can, he has Qingchen by his side, Su's father by his side, Su Nuan by his side, Behind him, there are Qi Cheng and others. He doesn't have to be afraid of anyone. As long as he mustered his courage, he can defend himself and protect his family, not just his family protecting him!

Su Nuan nodded slightly and turned back.

Gu Gao was shocked when he saw Su Dong admitting his identity, and immediately said: "Young Master! Please tell me how you were left in the Su family, why did the Hou Mansion pick up the son, but Su Nuan? Did the Su family replace you with their own son for the sake of power and wealth?!"

Ning Hou hurriedly said, "That's right, my lord! Su Nuan is not my son at all, Su Dong is! Su Nuan pretended to be my son and sneaked into my house. She wanted to only enjoy the wealth and honor of the Hou residence, but Qi Cheng found out her identity, and was used by Qi Cheng to coerce and use it, forged evidence, and framed my wife for killing her. Yao Shi, the foundation of my Ninghou Mansion was destroyed by one hand! And Su Nuan and Qi Chengran were in sympathy. In order to ensure that his own interests were not harmed, Su Nuan agreed with Qi Cheng that Qi Cheng would marry him, so that he could still enjoy the glory and wealth. , also ask the adults to learn from it!"

"It's justified and well-founded, perfect and self-consistent." Du Qingchen said with a smile.

Ning Hou turned to look at Du Qingchen, "Good son-in-law, you also know this, please explain it to the adults!"

Ning Hou's voice was full of urgency.

"Master Hou, I don't dare to say this nonsense, let's wait for the adults to judge slowly!" Du Qingchen said.

Yuan Luo said: "Su Dong, you are the victim of this case, tell me, what is going on here?!"

Outside the hall, Qi Cheng stood there calmly, and there were many people watching the fun. , but no one dared to squeeze Qi Cheng's side.

The third prince heard the rumors outside, and only then learned of Gu Gao's plan. He didn't feel surprised, only frightened. Because he doesn't think Gu Gao is more capable than Qi Cheng, yes, Qi Cheng! This matter is aimed at Su Nuan, but Qi Cheng is also involved. The third prince has an IQ anyway, and he still has a little understanding of the abilities of his subordinates. It is not that Gu Gao is stupid, but it is really incomparable to Qi Cheng, only Afraid that this will change.

The third prince also rushed over here, wanting to know the progress as soon as possible.

Regarding this matter, the third prince originally wanted to make a careful layout before revealing it, but who would have thought that Gu Gao would make so many things privately, and the third prince was very angry!

Of course, this is also because he has been too busy recently and has not noticed the affairs in Beijing. He is having a headache these days about Jiang Chuan's affairs. After all, even if Jiang Chuan's arm was injured and bandaged, it did not stop him from going to the third place. The Prince's Mansion runs.

He shot Jiang Chuan with an arrow before, but when he came back, he calmed down and was frightened. If Jiang Chuan was really shot to death by his arrow, then he should not plan to take the heir again, but think about the new king in the future. Succession, how he survived is serious. How can you shout and kill just because of a moment of anger? Antique vase is not imposing when smashed? Does it sound bad when smashed? ! How did he remember to use a bow! regret!

After the third prince heard about this, he heard news from the dark guard that the emperor was angry. The emperor thought it was the fifth prince who directed Jiang Chuan to come to the third prince's house to make trouble, and scolded the fifth prince fiercely, and locked him at home to study. When the fifth prince went out, he was happy but also a little scared, because the secret guard also said that the emperor was also very dissatisfied with the third prince chasing and killing the minister in the street with a bow and arrow, and felt that he had lost the royal face.

After hearing such news, the third prince would dare to trouble Jiang Chuan again. Therefore, when Jiang Chuan came to the door again, the third prince would only block but not fight, and the door was closed. Even if Jiang Chuan came in over the wall, he would still be able to Relying on his familiarity with the Mansion of the Three Princes, he hid with Jiang Chuan.

Today, due to the retrial of the Hou's Mansion's case, the matter has become a big one, and the third prince heard about it, so he hurried over, and he didn't care to hide from Jiang Chuan.

Outside the Dali Temple, the third prince dismounted and strode toward the lobby. Seeing Qi Cheng, he was not surprised at all. He straightened his chest and nodded reservedly with royal pride, "Marshal Qi, where are you here?"

"I have seen the third prince." Qi Cheng cupped his hands, "His Royal Highness is very happy today, so he came to Dali Temple to see the case? Didn't you see General Jiang?" Qi Cheng looked behind the third prince.

The third prince twitched his cheeks and said angrily, "Don't think that Jiang Chuan can trap His Highness in the mansion! My Highness is not afraid of him! You should think about it, how to save the fifth man from the mansion! Humph!" The three princes strode into the lobby.

Qi Cheng touched his nose and watched the third prince enter.

Is Lao Jiang not good? He just mentioned it casually, why is he so angry? Furthermore, Jiang Chuan has been guarding the frontier for many years. He is wise and tactful, and his character is precious. He still admires Lao Jiang. The third prince's eyes are not good!

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