Chapter 60

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Early the next morning, Du Qingchen's first thing was to heat the oil, roll it in the chili powder, sizzle, the chili powder was fragrant, melted into the oil, and the oil turned bright red. Du Qingchen sprinkled it in the kitchen again. The regular fried sesame seeds and chili oil are also good.

With chili and chili oil, Du Qingchen's Yuanyang Hotpot, which he was thinking about, also had hope, and he was very excited.

Du Youcai came early in the morning, and when he saw Du Qingchen in the kitchen, he hurriedly greeted him cheerfully. Du Fugui went to the restaurant in the county. Now, he has also been transferred to the restaurant in this town. Now that he is the head chef, and the small restaurant is handed over to other newcomers, Du Qingchen's rules are clear, as long as you work hard, don't cheat and cheat, and people who are not stupid and willing to work hard will always have their own future.

However, Du Youcai is so enthusiastic not only because of this, but because of the braised pork that was praised by the magistrate Feng. This dish has already been known to Du Fugui in the county town. Applaud, and fame. Such a good dish, he still can't! He wanted Du Qingchen to teach him, so he had to be more enthusiastic. He didn't know what Du Qingchen was thinking. If he wanted to teach him this dish, he had to behave better himself.

Du Qingchen saw Du Youcai's purpose, so he wiped his hands and said, "It's too early today."

"Hey, clean up the kitchen in advance, so as not to be inseparable for a while." Du Youcai hurriedly took it A rag to wipe the countertop.

Du Fugui is honest and reliable, while Du Youcai is a little clever, but he is also trustworthy. Both of them have their own strengths and merits, and they both deserve Du Qingchen's trust. Du Qingchen also said: "It's so early today, just in time, I'll teach you how to make braised pork. The reputation of braised pork is getting bigger these days, and I can't always make it, you can try it too."

"Really! Thank you boss!" Du Youcai grinned.

Du Youcai hurriedly cleaned up the desk to make room for Du Qingchen, but saw a small pot of chili oil on the table, which he had never seen before, so he looked back at Du Qingchen blankly. Du Qingchen knew that he was confused and replied: "The new dish, I haven't studied it yet!"

Du Youcai's eyes lit up, but he didn't say anything. He just carefully took the chili oil and put it in a place out of the way.

A few days later, the Dujia Restaurant added something called hot pot. A round pot was divided into two halves, one half was spicy, the other half was boiled bone broth, and it was served with seasonal vegetables and sliced ​​meat. Although the way of eating is a bit rough, but in such a cold weather, such a pot is extremely delicious. After eating, even the body is warm. For a time, the limelight of the braised pork has been suppressed, and the restaurant is full of people sitting Not anymore.

Du Qingchen started making soup dumplings and selling them through takeout. Cut the fried dried chili into sections, then freeze some chili oil with thick broth into pieces, mix with the seasoning, and wrap it in a paper bag, it becomes a very convenient hot pot base in winter. , There were so many buyers at one time, Du Qingchen had to hire someone to make it in the village, and the whole Dujia Village seemed to be in full swing.

The weather was getting colder and colder. As soon as Du Qingchen entered the door, he approached the stove in the house and warmed his hands with a breath of air. After a while, he recovered. Su Dong sat on the kang and looked at Du Qingchen with a smile. When Du Qingchen turned around, he saw At this scene, he also laughed, "What are you laughing at?"

"No! It's just that you are so busy every day that you can't bear it." Su Dong got up, took the copper pot that had been burning on the stove, and poured it to Du Qingchen hot water.

Du Qingchen simply took a teacup to warm his hands and asked Su Dong, "How's the hot pot base made by the villagers? Can you keep up with it?"

Because he has a lot of things to do and doesn't want to bother Du Rulin, who is devoted to reviewing, finally Su Dong volunteered to ask Ying , he also gave him the task of supervising the production of hot pot base, and let him be responsible for supervising the villagers' frying chili, and making chili oil hot pot base.

To this end, Du Qingchen also rented a flat wasteland in the village, simply set up a shed, and fried peppers underneath. Chili peppers are very choking. Even if they are so full of people, they can't avoid choking coughs. However, in the winter, the cold wind is always whizzing, so it doesn't have much impact. Moreover, because there are many sheds on the open space, some people fry them. Some people grind chili, some heat oil, some people boil soup, and there are stoves everywhere next to each other, and they are all on fire, but they are not cold.

And Du Qingchen was busy talking about business. Because of the takeaway, everyone knew that this hot pot was just made with water. Therefore, the restaurants in the business wanted to buy the base, and Du Qingchen refused to come. Naturally busy.

Naturally, it's not that no one has the wrong idea to get the recipe away, but... not to mention that the base materials are all made in the Dujia Village. In order to keep the secret, Du Qingchen used people from the same village and the same clan, and even invited the young Zhuang from the village to be in the outer circle. Standing guard, there is no room for outsiders to approach. Of course, it is not without loopholes to be found even in the same village and family. Money and silk are moving, and recipes can always be bought. But the taste of the peppers in the base is equally rare. They know that there are things in the east and the south, but the goods come and go, let's say one month less, in another month, the sky should be warming up. This year Is this money still earned? !

Time is money. Watching other traders transport the bottom material one by one and sell it farther away, it is a crooked mind, so I have to hurry up and talk about the business, and then slowly find a way to transport the peppercorns. Fangzi, strive to make your own hot pot base next year! This year... Cheap Du Qingchen made this money!

Du Qingchen also understood that Fang Zi couldn't keep hiding it all the time, and it took only a month for the pepper to be shipped to the local area.

This kind of profiteering did not stop until the peppers entered the local market, but the ingredients cooked by others were always less interesting than those made by Du Qingchen's family, so although Du Qingchen did not make as much money as at the beginning, he did not earn less. Too much, still very profitable.

The New Year is coming soon. Du Qingchen's family has made a lot of money this year. Du's father is happily wearing brocade clothes and wrapping himself like an old man. Last New Year's year, they were still poor and worried about people who came to collect debts, but One year, I can't think of such a huge change in my family. Now that he is rich, he has built a new house, Du Qingchen has married his wife, and even Du Rulin has achieved fame. Is there anyone in the world who is more successful than them this year!

Father Du happily put on the new clothes that Du Qingchen prepared for him, and went out for a walk. He was not low in seniority. Wherever he went, everyone else had to say New Year's greetings to him, and he had to say a few good words. Father Du was even more happy.

Su Dong prepared meals at home, not by the side. It was still hot pot. This thing made their family make a lot of money. Naturally, they have a lot of affection for this, and they are willing to eat this even for the New Year's Eve dinner.

At night, the sound of fireworks and firecrackers continued outside. Inside the Du family's house, the stove was burning and the house was bright. Du Qingchen raised his glass and said to everyone sitting together, "I toast everyone, this year, a lot of things have happened in our family, but fortunately, our family has worked together and we have come here smoothly, Dad! I respect you too, you have worked hard." Du Qingchen drank the wine in his glass.

Father Du also raised his glass happily and said, "I don't have to work hard, what's the hard work for me, the hard work is you and Ru Lin, one has to work hard to earn money to support the family, and the other has to study hard for scientific examinations, I'm useless, a little I can't help you either." Father Du said, sighing to himself.

"How could it be?! Dad, if you didn't help, who built the house? Who set the shop? At that time, I was sick all day long. Every day, I go to the street to set up a stall to do business, and I also go to buy vegetables, and then come back with big bags and small bags? Dad, if you didn't support it, how could our family look like today!"

"Yeah, Dad, I want to respect you too." Du Rulin stood up and said seriously, "I have been studying all these years, and I can't help my family, and I have also dragged down my father and brother for so many years. The sales were several times as high as those of my father and my brother. I have always felt guilty, but my father and my brother never said anything. They still wanted to study for me. I...I understand and am very grateful. Here's a toast to you!"

Du Rulin closed his eyes and took a sip of the wine, he's basically never had a drink, but today, he's going to bite the bullet and drink it.

Du Qingchen didn't stop him either. After all, Du Rulin was famous now, and the gatherings of literati would gradually increase in the future. He couldn't even drink wine. He didn't want Du Rulin to become a bookworm who could only read.

"Okay, okay." Father Du moved his hand and wiped his eyes, and quickly smiled, "They are all good children, I didn't raise two sons in vain!" He raised his head and poured it down, laughing happily for many years. Depression seems to be swept away.

The wine looked like it was delicious. Su Dong watched the three of them drank their necks one by one. He couldn't help holding the wine glass in both hands. The aroma of wine is Du Qingchen's new fruit wine! Su Dong's eyes lit up, he couldn't help but leaned into his mouth and took a sip, it was sweet and delicious!

Du Qingchen noticed Su Dong's small movements, sat down, leaned over with a smile and said, "Drink less, more drinking will hurt your body."

"I just sipped a little." Su Dong raised his hand to make a small slit and gave it to Du Qingchen signal.

Du Qingchen smiled and had a cup of tea with Su Dong, "Happy New Year, my daughter-in-law."

Su Dong smiled, "So is the husband, happy new year."

Su Dong rarely calls him Xianggong, mostly Qingchen or something like that, Du Qingchen I only felt that the bones were half brittle, and I couldn't help grinning. I turned my head and said in a low voice: "Call again and listen."

Du Rulin raised his glass in embarrassment to cover his face, did his brother forget that there is a real brother across from him!

Du Qingchen had just drank several glasses of wine. Although he was not yet drunk, he was actually a little drunk. Naturally, he was a little bit more stunned. Du Qingchen, who had also been respected several times, also became drunk. Seeing that Du Qingchen and Su Dong were so close, he could bear it He couldn't stop saying: "I said, Qingchen! You and Su Dong have been married for a long time. If you want a child, you should hurry up or hurry up!"

Su Dong froze and lowered his head silently.

Du Qingchen was instantly dissatisfied, "Father! Don't worry about this kind of thing, we are still young! Besides, these few years have been a good time, and Su Dong and I are too busy to get out. , how to take care of it?! It's better to wait for a few years to earn money and enjoy the happiness, let's talk about it!"

Of course, it is best not to give birth, Du Qingchen still thinks that Su Dong is a man at all! What brother, he has never seen his brother give birth to a child with his own eyes. He really can't understand it. Even when Su Xiaobao and Luo Qing stood in front of him holding the child, he subconsciously thought that this was the child's father, but the father here It's just called Ah.

Moreover, in his heart, he was actually vaguely afraid of rejecting this matter, fearing because of the unknown, rejecting because of strangeness, and the mortality rate. These days, having a child is like walking through the gates of hell. Even higher, he was crazy to want to bet Su Dong's life on a heir!

As a modern person, he actually doesn't care that much about inheriting the lineage. If Father Du really wants children so much, when Du Rulin marries a wife, he will have more grandchildren for Father Du! Why don't you have to find him! Fortunately, it is very difficult for my brother to conceive, and Su Dong's stomach is not moving, which is very good.

But Su Dong didn't think so, instead he lowered his head and wanted to apologize, but was pulled by Du Qingchen, of course he could see what Su Dong was thinking, and said, "This kind of thing has always been God's fault. I would like to give you a question, what does it have to do with you? Not to mention that we have only been married for less than a year, it is two or three years, so what! It is a woman, and there are many who have not had children for several years after marriage. Must be?!"

Father Du said helplessly: "I don't mean anything, I just want to remind you that you should take care of yourself, and prepare when you need to. Look, if I say one sentence to you, you will have a hundred sentences waiting for me, be good, I don't Don't ask anymore."

"You know I don't want to hear this, so don't ask!" Du Qingchen muttered.

Su Dong sat down with his head down, although he was very moved, Du Qingchen was willing to protect him like this, but he also felt that he should be pregnant! Father Du is anxious, so is he!

Du Rulin looked left and right, and if it wasn't good, he interjected on the issue of his eldest brother having children. After this topic was over, Du Rulin laughed and laughed, and told a few jokes, and the atmosphere was relieved.

After dinner, Su Dong went to the kitchen to clean up, while Father Du smiled and went to the door to watch the fireworks, and found someone to chat by the way, Du Rulin saw that there were only Du Qingchen and him in the house, and finally couldn't help asking, "Brother, Don't you want to have children?"

He just listened to it for a long time, and he always felt that his brother himself did not want children very much, and those who said it to Father Du seemed to be excuses. Du Qingchen raised his hand and knocked on Du Rulin's forehead, "If you do n't

have anything to worry about, why are you thinking about it all day, how can there be so many of these and that!"

How difficult is it for a childless brother to be in a family and a group, so he will not selfishly impose his thoughts on Su Dong, because Su Dong himself is looking forward to a child.

So, leave it to your fate! He doesn't force it. If God really wants to give him a child, he just asks God to bless Su Dong safe and sound. He won't let anyone know about other strange feelings and feelings of rejection, and he will slowly overcome them. Will be a good father and a good husband.

Du Rulin rubbed his forehead and said, "Okay! But, brother, think about it! I think my sister-in-law likes children very much."

Du Qingchen couldn't help but said: "But childbirth is extremely dangerous for my brother! Having a child will kill people! Do you have the heart to watch your sister-in-law risk her own life for a child?"

Su Dong just finished washing the dishes He wanted to enter the house, but when he heard Du Qingchen's words, he was dazed for a while, but soon his heart was filled with warmth, and he was stunned for a while, without pushing the door to enter.

Du Qingchen sighed and continued: "Ru Lin, a woman's childbirth is like entering the gate of hell, let alone a brother?! He is pregnant and I naturally don't mention this, I can only try my best to take care of him and hire the best doctor for him. But since there is no, I will not put pressure on him to make him feel that he is not pregnant, I just want him to be safe and to suffer less. Heirs and so on, there should be some time, but there is really no, Isn't it still yours! What? I'm dead, you don't plan to adopt one for me?" Du Qingchen teased.

Du Rulin was unable to refute Du Qingchen's words for a while, but he still found this thought shocking.

Du Qingchen chuckled, and the two stopped talking about this topic. Outside the door, Su Dong couldn't return to his senses for a long time, and he was dead. Du Qingchen would rather just adopt and not marry again...

Yes, he said that he will have a pair for life. Human, he said that as long as he was alone, Du Qingchen was not willing to make his distant cousin his concubine.

The New Year's Eve vigil, every household slept late, when Du Qingchen and Su Dong rested, it was almost child's day, Su Dong's face was full of joy, looking much happier than when they ate, Du Qingchen asked curiously, "Why are you so happy? "

It's not like it's because of the New Year, because before the meal, Su Dong's joy was not what it is now, it seems to be radiating from the bottom of my heart, as if something happy happened.

Su Dong rolled around on the kang with a smile, lying on Du Qingchen's chest, his eyes were full of spring, the corners of his brows were smiling, and he muttered, "No!"

Du Qingchen was stunned by Su Dong. Su Dong has always followed the rules. Except for the first time, he almost never deliberately approached him on the bed to seduce him. Kiss him, but even if the love is so strong, Su Dong will not take the initiative, but lie down innocently with dazed eyes, lovable, and makes people want to bully.

He has never seen such an active Su Dong!

However, Su Dong seemed to be playing with Du Qingchen's hair very casually, curling the two's hair together and even trying to tie them up, but he didn't tie them seriously, so it was more like playing.


The always innocent and lovely daughter-in-law suddenly changed her style of painting. Du Qingchen was puzzled and moved, and he reached out and hugged her, "Isn't it true? You are a little strange today!"

"No! The strange thing is you! "Su Dong poked Du Qingchen's chest.

Because he was afraid that he was in danger, he didn't even plan to have a child. He had never seen such a man, and he had never even heard of it! Su Dong was overjoyed, but didn't say it. After all, in Su Dong's education, as a husband, it would be wrong if he was happy for his husband's thoughts. The husband should have had children, and he had to be very active. Facing such thoughts of her husband, Seriously speaking, you should be angry, and you should also say that the offspring is more important than your own safety. This is in line with etiquette and rules.

But Su Dong didn't want to! He could only hide his own thoughts, secretly happy, and couldn't even tell others.

Du Qingchen pretended to sigh, "Okay! Brother Dong has his own thoughts, and he doesn't want to tell me.

" Little proud, said with a smile.

"What did I think I didn't tell you? I'm about to give you my heart. Why don't you touch it yourself and see if my heart is gone? Did I give it to you earlier?!" Du Qingchen smiled and held it Su Dong's hand pressed on his chest, making him feel the thumping beating inside.

"Liar, obviously still here!" Geng Zhi Su Dong withdrew his hand and gave Du Qingchen a blank look with a smile. He would have already died without a heart, so he knew how to coax him and use such inferior lies to coax him.

"Who said it's still there? There's obviously only a body left. You feel it's thumping when you touch it. It's still there. In fact, the soul is long gone. It's with you!" Du Qingchen leaned over and kissed it. Dear.

Su Dong has to argue again, Du Qingchen has already suppressed the person beside him, clasped the person next to him with one hand and raised his hands, pressing him on the bed.

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