Chapter 29

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Master Liu fell silent, and seemed to be a little angry. Du Qingchen and Tao Xiude were helpless and had no choice but to coax. Du Qingchen simply sat down and said, "Master, listen to my explanation."

"Don't listen, you are so smart. You have to explain it to me, just do what you want." Master Liu snorted.

Du Qingchen and Tao Xiude looked at each other helplessly, Du Qingchen looked around for a week and confirmed that there were no other guests in the room, and the guys were busy in the kitchen, so he said to Master Liu: "Master, you only know me. I ran into trouble, but never thought about it, why have you heard about it, but I haven't had an accident yet?"

Master Liu's expression changed, "Why?"

"Because the guy I sent to deliver meals to the private school every day, He is the person that the boss of the town likes, he wants to marry him as a husband, why would he do anything to him?" Du Qingchen spread his hands.

Master Liu frowned and thought for a while, "That guy looks very capable and strong, is he a brother?!"

"Yeah! He has delivered meals to the private school for so many days, Master, you didn't see him. Pregnant mole?" Du Qingchen was also helpless.

Master Liu stared, "Why do I care about this! Besides, it's not obvious! He's a black and thin person, who knows.

" He is dark and thin, and he works like a man every day, so he should not notice for a while." Du Qingchen chuckled and nodded.

Tao Xiude said to himself that he had also seen that brother, but only once, he also noticed that it was a brother! But I won't mention it at this time, lest Master Liu be even more embarrassed, Tao Xiude lowered his head, looked at the table, and pretended that he didn't exist.

Master Liu's self-esteem was frustrated, and he tried to show that he was very smart. He said: "So, if you use that brother, the Chen family can't find a gangster to block him, because that's the brother that the gangster likes?!"

" That's the truth!" Du Qingchen clapped his palms together, "Also, the bastard said, not only will he not block Luoqing in the future, but also the Chen family will not be allowed to find other people to block Luoqing, otherwise it will be difficult for the Chen family to get along with him. Oh. , By the way, Luo Qing is the guy who delivered meals to the private school."

"I know!" Master Liu still knew the other person's name. He once asked him to help move books and asked his name.

"Yes, yes! I was afraid that this young master would not understand, so I explained it to him." Du Qingchen gestured to Tao Xiude.

Tao Xiude nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, I don't understand."

Master Liu looked at Du Qingchen from the left and Tao Xiude from the right. The two of them looked on the same front, and hummed in anger. one sound.

"Master! I went to the kitchen to see how the stewed chicken is, but it's delicious. The stewed chicken with chestnuts is delicious. Please sit for a while! Young master also sits for a while." Go, get up quickly, find a reason to leave.

Tao Xiude smiled and continued to coax Master Liu to be happy, and gradually put the joke aside.

In the kitchen, Tao Xiude strolled in and walked to Du Qingchen who was busy.

"Whoops! Young Master? Why did you come in, the gentleman is far away from the kitchen!" Du Qingchen noticed that there was a big lump beside him, blocking his light, and when he turned around, he saw the luxuriously dressed son and sighed.

"Who said a gentleman is far away from the kitchen, don't you just cook in the kitchen?" Tao Xiude chuckled with his hands behind his back.

Du Qingchen covered the pot and continued to be stuffy. He turned around and said, "I'm a villain, not a gentleman, and I don't dare to call myself a gentleman."

"It's a coincidence, although I pretend to be a gentleman, I'm actually a villain, so I can come to the kitchen!" Tao Xiude laughed.

Du Qingchen was stunned for a while, then shook his head, "You don't have to tell me whether you are a gentleman or a villain."

Tao Xiude sighed softly, but instead of answering, he said in a low voice, "You just For self-protection? Do you know that the best self-protection is actually a counterattack? And those who take cowardice as self-protection can hide for a while, but never for a lifetime."

Du Qingchen turned around and went to the desk to cut vegetables, he originally wanted to come Loofah scrambled eggs, but Tao Xiude was too annoying, he decided to change this dish to scrambled eggs with bitter gourd, Du Qingchen took a bitter gourd and started cutting it.

Seeing that Du Qingchen didn't speak, Tao Xiude asked again, "Are you sure you don't need my help? I heard what Uncle Liu said before, but I was reluctant to intervene, I just thought, if you don't If you ask me, I will help you casually. As for the follow-up troubles, anyway, when I am not here, you will not be able to find me."

"But your later words are very interesting to me, I think you are a smart person, People are also transparent, but I really want to help you. Is there anything you need me to do? For the sake of Uncle Liu, I will help people to the end. If there is a bully in the town, I can kill him easily. "Tao Xiude turned his hand gently.

After cutting the bitter gourd, Du Qingchen took a handful of leeks and prepared to fry a few boxes of leeks. After thinking, he turned to look at Tao Xiude, "Have you ever eaten leeks? Can you eat this flavor?"

"Ah? Can you...!" Tao Xiude didn't remember what leeks were for a while, he only read books and didn't care what the raw materials were.

"Okay." Du Qingchen nodded, handed the leeks to Du Youcai to pick vegetables, and then took the green onions and began to cut them.

"Ah, my eyes... You, what is this, it's too hot!" Tao Xiude was forced to take a few steps back.

"Master, I don't even know who you are, what can I think, what can I ask you to do for me!" Du Qingchen shook his head. "You didn't even say your identity, and you didn't really intend to help me at all. Why are you making fun of me here, is it fun to play with me? You should go back quickly and talk to Master Liu!"

"I... ok! To show my identity, my surname is Tao, do you want to take a guess?"

Bad! Du Qingchen rolled his eyes silently, pretending to be a gentleman, and pretending to be gentle and graceful, why did he go to the kitchen to reveal his true nature to him? !

Du Qingchen said: "I don't know who's surname is Tao, but since you said that, it must be a very famous person. If you can't find a person like you in the county, it must be from the provincial capital or the capital! Master Liu is A scholar comes from an ordinary family, since you claim to be his junior, and you come from the provincial capital or the capital, if you want to come, your family is also from a reading background, once poor, and now an official, that's what happens."

Tao . Xiude remained silent and continued to listen.

Du Qingchen continued: "If the capital is an official, and the whip is beyond the reach, I'm afraid you don't have the confidence to say anything that can help me easily. I think it is more likely to be the provincial capital, and the official position should not be low in the provincial capital. You have such confidence, and Han Jun is an official with the surname Tao..." Tao

Xiude stepped forward.

"I don't know, and I haven't inquired about things that far, but I will find out in a few days." Du Qingchen continued to work with his head down.

"I don't know why, but I found that I like you more and more." Tao Xiude smiled.

Du Qingchen turned his head, "Young master, sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty, which one do you like the most?"

"Er... spicy?"

"It's done!" Du Qingchen turned around and squeezed a handful of peppercorns for use. There are no peppers here, only dogwood. The peppercorns are also expensive, but in order to cook for this young master Tao, he can put more peppercorns, this time not for making money!

Tao Xiude didn't care, just watched Du Qingchen cook.

For a moment, "I'll ask you one last time, are you sure you don't ask me?" Tao Xiude smiled, his posture was peaceful but arrogant.

Du Qingchen knew that this is the nature of this person, so he put down his work and said earnestly: "If the son can really solve the opponent for me, why not kneel and kowtow at this moment? I'm afraid, the son is just making me happy. , Young Master doesn't even know who the other party is, don't you think it's funny to talk about turning your hands into clouds and covering your hands into rain?"

"Oh, who is the other party?" Tao Xiude chuckled.

"The Chen family in Han Jun is not a simple town bully." Du Qingchen said, sighing, "I'm afraid that the son may not be able to help me, and after knowing who the other party is, he is not willing to help me."

"The Chen family in Han Jun? Tao Xiude pondered for a while, "Chen

Huaiying?" "Young master knows?" Du Qingchen asked tentatively.

"I heard, it turns out that his hometown is here! I didn't know it before." Tao Xiude laughed, his eyes were bright, as if he was a wild wolf staring at the rabbit, and he was about to swallow it in the next moment. belly.

Du Qingchen fell silent, he had a vague guess, if this is the case, then this time, he may really wait for the opportunity to deal with the Chen family.

Tao Xiude has already put his hand on Du Qingchen's shoulder, shook his arm around his shoulder, and said happily, "I found that you are not only interesting, but may also help me. Interesting, what's your name?"

So Young Master, did you only remember to ask my full name until now, did you really plan to deal with the Chen family? Du Qingchen was helpless, he knew that this person was playing with him before, but he still said: "Du Qingchen."

"Good name!" Tao Xiude praised indifferently.

"Young master is joking." Du Qingchen was very helpless.

Tao Xiude figured out what he wanted to know, so he prepared to leave the kitchen contentedly. Before he left, he remembered something, and turned around and added, "By the way, I like spicy food, so put more."

Du Qingchen's hands stopped moving. After a while, looking at the pepper in front of him, he fell silent.

After Tao Xiude left, Du Qingchen said to everyone in the kitchen, "Don't say anything about today's affairs, don't even mention it, you know?"

"I know." Inside the room, Du Youcai, Du Fugui Answer, they also don't like the Chen family who has been bullying them.

Luo Qing was also helping in the kitchen, but he lowered his head and said nothing, immersed in his own thoughts.

Boss Du seems to have found a helper. Should he tell Su Junxia about this? Go back and tell him. After all, he and Boss Du seem to have reached an agreement secretly. He must let him know about such a thing, so as not to know nothing and be deceived.

Compared to Du Qingchen, Luo Qing has always been on Su Junxia's side in his heart.

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