You/Nia Nal - Marriage

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Summary: You plan on marrying Nia

Prompt by: Reynasasarez551

AN: WARNING: Transphobic insults in chapter. Please do not read if they are triggering

You've been thinking about how to propose to Nia for the longest time. The proposal had to be perfect and you just couldn't decide how to do it. You had even tried doing a pros and cons list for every single idea that you had but they all had the same number of pros and cons. With no other choice but to ask for help, you went to your sisters.

"I need help guys. I've been wanting to propose to Nia for months and so far, I don't have one single good idea."

Kara squealed, hugged you and spun you around when she hears you. She was so happy for you. Alex just smiles, knowing that Kara wasn't going to let her hug you.

"That's amazing. Why didn't you come to us sooner? We could've helped you."

Kara finally steps back to allow you some breathing room after the hug.

"I know. I know. I just wanted to do this all on my own but apparently I'm not creative enough or possible I'm too creative."

Alex raises her eyebrow in question. Not understanding what you mean.

"That doesn't make any sense. What do you mean?"

"Well I've come up with so many ideas that I have no clue as to what to do. Like everything seems wrong and perfect at the same time. I can't decide."

The three of you head to the cafeteria at the DEO to better talk about your ideas.

"We can definitely help you. I'm sure it won't be too difficult to come up with the perfect idea between the three of us."

You wrapped your arms around their necks to pull them into a hug.

"I love you guys."

"Yeah, yeah. Lets do this before J'onn comes in and tells us to get back to work."

Alex says as she tries to get out of the hug. She didn't want anyone at the DEO to see that she was a big softie.

Wanting to speed things along, you had brought a folder with all the ideas that you had come up with. Alex had been quick to eliminate some ideas while Kara began to jot down more ideas. At the beginning, it seemed like neither of them were going to help you. They either kept adding more ideas or taking some off.

"What do you think of doing a Kryptonian proposal?"

Kara asks when she sees that they aren't getting any closer to picking one main idea.

"A Kryptonian proposal? I was too young to have been thought any of that"

"I'll tell you all about it and if you decide not to do it then we can pick something else."

You nod and let Kara explain all the details of it. You might be a kryptonian but you felt so weird using their culture when you weren't old enough to learn it. Kara explained it quite well and their ideas were beautiful, but it felt wrong to use them.

Kara noticed your frown when she took a breather.

"You don't have to do it, (y/n). It was just an idea."

It hurt to think about the fact that you weren't okay with your culture. All Kara had been wanting to do was teach you about it but you always came up with excuses when the time came.

"I...I love it Kara. I truly do. It's just that maybe that's not for me. I wasn't raised there like you. Our father didn't teach me the culture like he did with you. I'm like Clark. I'm practically more human than Kryptonian."

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now