You/Jean Grey - X-Mansion Part 1

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Summary: Jean recruits you

Requested by: WhiteBurntTattoo

You're powers developed later than everyone else. Everyone first showed of their powers when you were young but yours didn't start showing until you hit your 18th birthday. It had been a surprise for you that when they appeared. You ended up hurting several of your friends and family members. Overcome with guilt, you ran away. You coulldn't face them after what you had done so you've been in the words since then. The woods were your safe place. No one was around to get hurt if you ended up having another episode of not being able to control your powers.

It's been a few weeks since you've left home when there's a sudden knock on the cabin. You hadn't told anyone where you were so no one that you knew would be coming to visit. Not wanting to open the door for them, you stayed quiet, hoping that they would go away.

There's another knock and yet you don't move. Suddenly, someone starts to intrude your mind.

"(y/n), my name is Charles Xavier. I run a private school for people like you to help develop their powers. I came here to help you."

"Go away. I don't want to learn how to use my powers. All I do is hurt people."

"This is why I am here, I want to make sure what happened back home doesn't happen again. Don't you want to see your friends and family."

"No. I hurt them. Why would they want to see me?"

"Because they love you, (y/n). Your mother and father came to me after learning what I thought in my school."

That got your attention. You stood up and went to open the door, finding a man in a wheelchair and a woman about your same age besides him.

"What did they say?"

You ask him, not really paying attention to the redhead.

"They want you to come home. They know you and they know that you won't come back until you learn more about yourself. Come join me and Jean at the X-Mansion for a tour and if you don't like it then we'll leave you alone."

You look towards the silent woman besides him.

"Are you one of the students?"

"I am. Professor X, recruited me when I was just 10 years old and I've been with him since then."

"Has he helped you."

Suddenly, you hear her voice in your mind.

"I don't know, what do you think?"

You raise your eyebrow at her as she smiles at you.

"Okay, I'll join you for the tour."

"Excellent. Come along."

He turns around and makes his way to a big clearing in the woods where a jet suddenly appears. The three of you walk inside and soon enough, Jean is driving it to the school.

It doesn't take long to arrive at the mansion.

"Jean here will give you a private tour. I'm afraid I have to excuse myself, I have a meeting to attend that I can't miss. Jean has been here long enough to know everything. She'll be a good tour guide."

You turn to Jean, finding that she was smiling at you.

"Come on, I'll show you all the best spots on campus."

She takes you all around campus, showing you where your room would be, the gym, cafeteria, living room, classrooms and most importantly the training room. It's the one other thing that caught your eye. The thing looked crazy expensive and it definitely tempted you to saying yes to their offer.

"My favorite thing is simply bonding with everyone else. It can get kind of lonely for mutants like us so having others around really helps deal with everything. So what do you say? Will you be joining the X-Men?"


"Yeah, it's cheesy but that's what Professor X calls his students. We even get cool costumes when we're called for help."

You rub your arm, unsure of what to say. Everything tempted you to make you want to join but you were unsure.

"I know it's quite scary thinking about being all alone here but I promise to be here for you if you ever need anything?"

She adds, hoping it would get you to join. In the short amount of time that she had known you, Jean really liked you and hoped you would join the team.


"I promise and if I don't hold up my end of the deal then you're welcome to use me as a test dummy to try your new powers out."

"Sold then. That sounds like fun."

"Nice to know that we're already off to a great start."

Jean wrapped her arm around your shoulder, leading you back to the rooms. Both of your hearts started beating quicker at the close proximity but neither of you said anything. Perhaps, later on as the two of you got to know each other more.


Send me prompts and suggestions. Will do any female celebrity or character.

I have several prompts to do and will post them in this order

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Jane The Virgin

Sansa Stark - ???

Kara Danvers - Red Kryptonite 3A

Lena Luthor - Red Kryptonite 3B

Maeve Wiley - Drunk

Maeve Wiley - High

Maeve Wiley - Pain

Aimee Gibbs - Skipping Meals

Zelda Spellman - Enemies

Zelena Mills - Demigod

Lena Luthor - Annoyance Part 2

Melissa Benoist - Hate

Kara Danvers - ???


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum