Poem To A Well-Known Political Figure

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As your people are dying, O master,

What have you done? I watch daily for news,

That you have turned ‘round the nation faster,

But instead I see you thread your own noose.

By turning away all men’s hearts,

future generations, so you ensure,

Will know you as a practice of arts,

the diseased man who searched not for a cure.

And still the news presents you as a god,

Well harken, o mystical one, to me.

You destroyed my land both home and abroad

Further your incompetence ruins it daily.

So I stand against you even though some,

Still worship and adore you. They admire,

useless traits, here is the thinkers anthem:

your vapid words have caused a backfire.

Every coin you can grab is spent on what?

The poor? The hungry? The dying ones? No-

yourself. Your greedy friends. Your favorites.

On your lovers facts, and despair dawns slow.

I should have known back then. We were awestruck,

Full of nebulous concept and no plan.

Empty words sustain an empty stomach,

But not forever. You proved a madman.

The number who still care for you does down

Daily, superficial traits don’t matter,

When our “lord and god” is just a dull clown.

Sir, when will you let our land recover?

And why manipulate the poor again?

You pretended much, all were mirages.

You said you were poverty’s truthful friend!

Now, I am less amused by your farces

I offer you this final choice: resign.

and give up the reigns to a real adult.

Don’t try to throw us in more decline,

If you hold them, that will be the result.

I ask not for myself, but for common

good, among the people that I love, please

Do not try to exploit this land, broken,

again! These are my nation’s honest pleas.

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