Day 62 - Distance

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He's always so busy...I might like him a lot, but I won't put up with someone who only has time for me on his own terms. I can be understanding...but I gave him things that I've never given anyone else before. I expect something in return. He might be sweet and charming, but he's no catch...I know he has his own business, but is it really that good? I can't find information on it anywhere...he's always been lazy, so it wouldn't surprise me if it's just a really, well, bad business. I don't really see us going anywhere, but I'm still going to visit him. He's still a great person to hang out with, but I don't really feel a connection with him. It might just be too early in the relationship. He's also slightly intimidating...although he would disagree. He's one of those people who always puts the blame on others. He complains when people aren't good conversationalists, but takes two people to have a conversation. I'm sure everyone has flaws, but perhaps he's just not what I'm looking for. I suppose I'd prefer someone a little bit more sensitive, but it may just be too early in our friendship to tell who he really is. He was quite hurt when the only girl he ever loved left him, so I'm sure he's not just stone cold. Still, to be 30 years old and only ever in love with one woman...that's a bit odd, isn't it? I'm worried that all that sex without feelings has gotten to him...perhaps he's just not a person capable of love. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and that I simple do not know him well enough to make judgments about him.

"You know a crazy amount about me..." he said to me.

"I don't even know what your favorite color is..." I replied.

"Well, I don't have a favorite depends on my mood and such..." Seemingly reasoning with my lack of knowledge.

He's just busy, I suppose. I won't ever be able to talk to him as much as I like, and I'm simply not high on his priority list. Perhaps it's for the best, as he is quite old... I don't think the relationship we used to have together will ever be back. If it does form again, of course I'll be happy, but I'm not expecting anything. He's quite odd...working well into the wee hours of the morning...internet marketing can't take up that much time, could it? He doesn't have a large client base. I suppose like everything else, relationships take time and effort. There might be be distance in between us physically,  but that doesn't mean their has to be distance between us emotionally.

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