Chapter 143

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  Jiang Nian had doubts, so naturally he would not let it go, and immediately left for Jiang's house.

  It happened to be the weekend, and Jiang Tao, Jiang Boxue, and Guo Xiuyu were all at home, even Guo Xiuyu's eldest daughter from her ex-husband was there, but Jiang Nian looked at Jiang Nian very unkindly, and pulled Jiang Boxue not to allow him to approach her.

  Jiang Nian has no impression of Shen Lanlan, the most memories still appear in the memory of the original owner, that is, when the original owner was locked up, she often came to watch the fun, now that she is rejected like this, I am afraid that Guo Xiuyu will say no in front of her. Less bad words.

  As a result, she didn't even have the chance to get close to Jiang Boxue. Not only that, not a while after she arrived at Jiang's house, Shen Lanlan took Jiang Boxue out to play under the pretext that Jiang Tao was in a bad mood and didn't bother to care about it. Guo Xiuyu couldn't wait for this, and gave Shen Lanlan a stack of money to let her have fun. Of course, in front of Jiang Nian, she can only say that the atmosphere at home is not good recently, which will affect the child, and letting him go out to play is the best choice.

  If Jiang Nian was only skeptical before, he is almost sure now, because it is very likely that Guo Xiuyu is guilty of a crime.

  Jiang Nian pretended not to know anything, and before leaving, he took a strand of hair from Jiang Tao's collar. As for Jiang Boxue, could it be that he couldn't get Jiang Boxue's hair by hiding from her?

  About a week after this incident, Jiang Nian got the paternity test of Jiang Boxue and Jiang Tao. The above results really opened Jiang Nian's eyes. Shan Chuan, the heir of the Jiang family he identified was really not his own.

  After Jiang Nian got the appraisal, she didn't go to Jiang Tao. Instead, she copied a copy and mailed it to Guo Xiuyu. With other secrets hidden, this paternity test can be used to defraud her. The more flustered she is, the more likely she will make mistakes. As for Jiang Boxue's son, Jiang Nian didn't care, but it was not Jiang Tao's, and that was enough.

  When Guo Xiuyu received such a courier, she was really scared to death, and tore the document into pieces like crazy! The first thing she thought of was Jiang Nian, only Jiang Nian would hate her like that, but if it was Jiang Nian, Why didn't she just hand it over to Jiang Tao? In this way, her decades of painstaking efforts will be ruined, and Jiang Nian will become the biggest winner...

  She thought about it, fidgeted, and feared all day long. She was already exhausted physically and mentally, and she became more and more haggard, and she actually aged ten years overnight.

  And just after that day, she would receive a courier for the paternity test every day. She couldn't finish tearing it up. Detective, I hope to find out the perpetrator, although she thinks that perpetrator must be Jiang Nian.

  But apart from Jiang Nian's relationship with Xiao Zheng, she couldn't find any breakthrough that could break her down. This made her extremely miserable, like a trapped animal!

  Jiang Nian eats and drinks well, the only thing to worry about is that Xiao Zheng is getting more and more unscrupulous, he gives gifts, and likes to enter the house, Jiang Nian glared at him and then looked at her pitifully, like "I did something wrong" So you don't like it? I'll change it." Jiang Nian couldn't bear to scold him anymore, not to mention being short-handed and soft-handed. Jiang Nian's hand cramped when he received gifts, so naturally his heart softened too much.

  She sighed, thinking that this is not an option, she will soon surrender under the bombardment of the big gold... It is quite uncomfortable to be caught by someone, but she is really happy! ^ -^

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