Chapter 117 The Strange She (15)

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  When Xue Hang gritted his teeth and left, the air-conditioning all over his body almost condensed into ice cubes, like the twelfth lunar month outside the window, but the atmosphere was broken, and it was impossible to continue. Jiang Nian couldn't help laughing. This was probably a trick of fate, but he couldn't see her too well, so he always gave her a little tribulation.

  She leaned against the window, secretly bowed and apologized for her sloppy life, which she had no time to slack off.

  "Jiang Nian, long time no see."

  A familiar voice suddenly came from behind. Jiang Nian turned around and saw that it was actually a female singer who had performed on stage just now. Her name was Li Lin. She was the champion of a music show and was extremely popular.

  Jiang Nian was not familiar with her, but the original owner Jiang Nian met her in previous activities. She smiled: "Hello, what's the matter?"

  Li Lin walked over with a smile on her face, and said enthusiastically, "I just saw you talking to Mr. Xue. Are you familiar with Mr. Xue?"

  Jiang Nian looked at her silently and raised his eyebrows.

  Li Lin said: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend, but I have admired Mr. Xue for a long time, but I haven't been able to find a chance to express my love to him. I saw that you know Xue Hang, so I would like to ask you to introduce me. I hope you don't mind."

  Jiang Nian shook his head without thinking: "Sorry, I can't help you."

  Li Lin's smile froze on her face, and she said hurtly, "Why? I just need a chance, isn't it difficult for you?" She hugged Jiang Nian's arm and shook, "Please, you Just help me! I will repay you later."

  Jiang Nian pulled her hand down, smiled and said, "Repay me?"

  "Yes, as long as Mr. Xue and I are together, I can give you whatever you want!"

  "If we're not together, why don't you give it? You've promised too well, and I have to take the risk of making Mr. Xue angry to do things for you. The gain outweighs the gain. I do things that harm myself and benefit others." If you don't come out, you won't help."

  "...?!" Li Lin was stunned, how dare you say it!

  Jiang Nian is not stupid. She gave up her life of wandering, and took the risk of being tortured by fate to take her benefactor into her arms. How could she make trouble for herself? She is so smart that she can't do such a stupid thing.

  "I hope to invite another wise man, come on."

  Li Lin ran away in anger. Holding her phone, her jealousy towards Jiang Nian turned into hatred. No matter what, she could never forget Xue Hang's intimacy with Jiang Nian, which had never happened before... She hid I went to the side and made a phone call: "Jingjing, have you come down yet?"

  Wang Jingjing was also in the hotel at the moment. She had known that Xue's annual meeting would be held here, so she booked a room two days in advance for today.

  After much deliberation, she was still unwilling to give up on Xue Hang. She would not want to miss this rare opportunity to get close to him. No matter what, she had to give it a try. If she succeeded, she would be able to get rid of the predicament in front of her, and success was just around the corner. Although Xue Hang was not her only choice, it was indeed her best choice.

  "Look at it for me, I'll be right over."

  Li Lin smiled and said: "I saw Mr. Xue calling in the corridor outside the venue. Come quickly, this opportunity is rare, otherwise Mr. Xue will leave immediately!"

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