Chapter 128 The Strange She (26)

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  Jia Ping didn't expect that Jiang Nian's act of spending money like a silly elder sister in his opinion would be rewarded at an unexpected time.

  The proposal to expose the donation record was not made by him, and Jiang Nian never mentioned it. Obviously, he did not think of this at all. It was the charity foundation who took the initiative to contact, hoping to help Jiang Nian, in order to thank her for her selfless donations over the years . Because they have a very necessary reason to believe that Jiang Nian is not the kind of unkind, unrighteous and unfilial person that goes viral on the Internet, let alone someone who would sell himself for money, someone who can selflessly help others, how could he not be filial to his parents? How can someone who can keep a low profile and not make a lot of publicity after donating is a person who pursues fame and fortune by all means?

  In this way, when Jiang Nian's statement didn't work, several major charitable foundations took the initiative to contact Jia Ping, which led to the subsequent large-scale "thanks to Weibo".

  It's also interesting to say that Jiang Nian's donation was not publicized, and the major charitable foundations are usually busy, and it is impossible to talk about how much money someone has donated when they meet occasionally for business, so that they After posting on Weibo, when I read the news, there are actually other charitable foundations to thank Jiang Nian?

  Several major charitable foundations still look at each other, quite surprised, surprised and surprised, it is rare to see each other, old friend, what a coincidence, can this also happen?

  The Huaxia Red Cross first commented to the Huaxia Cancer Foundation: "My friend, are you too?"

  The other party replied quickly: "Old friend, you too?"

  The Huaxia Disabled Persons' Federation also came: "What a coincidence, are you all?"

  Naturally, the Huaxia Youth Federation and Huaxia Children's Foundation were not absent: "Yes, we are all!"

  They were all for Jiang Nian, she helped them, so they naturally wanted to help her and protect her. Nowadays, there are really too few idiots like her, especially after their several charitable foundations discussed about Jiang Nian, this idea became stronger. Jiang Nian's stupidity is rare in the world, and It is so precious, I should cherish it very much and try my best to protect it.

  When netizens saw this shocking and miraculous scene, they naturally shouted "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

  Although it looked surprised and flustered, it was shocking enough. Jiang Nian's fans now straightened their waists and puffed up their chests. Among other things, they were proud, very proud!

  Yes, it is pride!

  Even Xue Hang felt a sense of pride when he saw this scene.

  Although Jiang Nian is stupid, has some brain problems, and the thoughts in his heart are all kinds of strange, always making him dumbfounded and helpless, but she is the best and deserves the best.

  The assistant hurriedly knocked on the door and came in, saying: "Mr. Xue, the person who dealt with Miss Jiang has been found. What should I do next?"

  How to do it? Naturally, no one will be spared.


Just when Jiang Nian was being praised by the whole network, Jiang Nian's management team suddenly issued several lawyer letters, targeting those who slandered Jiang Nian and vowed that she was adopted as a godfather; Those who were filial to their parents; those who abused them seriously... none of them escaped the investigation of Jiang Nian's studio.

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