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Harry hadn’t realized how long it had been until he walked through the chattering restaurant.

He hadn’t realized how long it had been since he had gone out; out for something more than a business meeting or picking up takeout to bring back home where he would eat while pouring over paperwork for the next day. It wasn’t until he spotted the door to the private room where a friend’s birthday party was being held that he realized it had been a little over six months since he had allowed himself to relax and enjoy the life his hard work had earned him. He could barely contain the bubbling excitement he felt as he reached the door to the party, able to hear the quiet chatter of his friends on the other side.

“Harry! You made it!”

He heard the slightly drunken voice call for him as soon as he slipped through the door. The room was bathed in soft lighting, a private bar lined the back wall of the room with various tables set up throughout, people sat at some while others were only used to house gifts and food. Strips of windows allowed for a look outside the restaurant, both of the city life outside and the quiet patio out back. The patio area was left with only a few others milling about, having been rented out in conjunction with the main party room.

Harry looked to whoever it was that called for him, finding his friend, Tawny, already making her way over with a flute of a bubbling, amber liquid in her hand. A smile stretched across his features at the sight. He had missed this.

“I was just telling them how I was worried you weren’t going to make it, thinking you got called into some meeting last minute,” she continued as she reached him, clumsily gesturing behind her with the flute in her hand. She settled a friendly hand on his bicep, using the hold to steady herself as she looked up at him with flushed cheeks.

“Not tonight. Nice to see you again,” Harry smiled, leaning down and wrapping an arm around her waist in a hug. “Where’s Charlotte?” he asked as he drew away, referencing the birthday girl for the night.

“Oh! She’s by the bar with Tom and Jenny.” Tawny pointed him in the direction of the bar, Charlotte being the one dressed in a pair of bright, paisley printed bottoms with a sparkling birthday tiara on her head.

Harry nodded his head, turning to match Tawny’s gaze again before stepping towards the bar. “I’ll find you later, yeah? ’M gonna go say hi.”

She only nodded her head before flitting off to another group, leaving Harry to navigate through to the bar. He greeted each person who noticed him, promising to return later to catch everyone up on what he had been doing since they last saw him (just a bunch of nothing filled with paperwork and late nights at the office).

“Charlotte! Happy Birthday!” he bubbled when he reached the bar, opening his arms to wrap her in a hug.

“Thank you so much for coming, H. It’s been so long since you’ve come out with us,” she smiled at him, reciprocating his hug.

Harry pulled up a barstool after they parted from their hug, setting his gift for her down on the bartop. “I know, ’m sorry. Jus’ been busy lately, but ’m gonna try to come out more. I miss everyone.”

“Don’t be sorry, its okay! We all understand, I’m just happy you made it” she insisted, the tinseled base of her birthday crown catching the light as she shook her head. Her eyes brightened as she caught sight of something behind his head, a beaming smile tugging at her lips as she waved whoever it was over. “Mitch, look who’s here! Harry finally made it!”

“Harry! How have you been?! You haven’t been out with us in so long!”

It felt good to be back.


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