first time:

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“(Y/N), wake up, baby. I’ve got to leave soon, and I want to have breakfast.”

Harry’s cooing words broke (Y/N) out of sleep, dragging her out of the warm oblivion of his bed. Today was her day off and she didn’t really appreciate having Harry disturb her like this. She gets he’s an early bird and all (unfortunately), but she would much rather sleep until noon.

She groaned, turning away from where he was sat on the edge of the bed. She heard Harry let out a breathy laugh before feeling his shift of weight to come closer to where she’d rolled. His hands landed on her shoulder, slipping under the edge of the blanket and gently turning her around. A whining noise escaped her throat as she scrunched her eyes closed.

“Y'don’t even have to get outta bed, m'sweet girl. I’ve already made your favorite, I jus’ wanna eat with y'before I leave you alone all day.” His words stayed soft and sweet, coaxing her out of her morning haze.

“Really?” she grumbled, her eyes still closed.

“Mhm,” he hummed, “We could have breakfast in bed, and cuddle a bit. Y'don’t have to worry about anything.”

Opening her eyes, (Y/N) saw Harry lent over her with his dimples out. He was backed by the sun coming through the window behind him; he still looked sleep softened with his pajamas on and no rings or eyeliner. His hair stuck out around him causing the light surrounding him to make it look like he had a halo of sorts above his head. Maybe she should be calling him angel instead.

“Morning, darling,” Harry crooned as she shrugged the duvet off her shoulders and sat up. Just as she settled, Harry leaned forward and pecked her lips. On the side table beside them, he picked up a tray fixed up with a plate of enough waffles for the both of them (she’s sure they’re the toaster kind, but it’s still sweet) with a bowl of cut up fruit and whipped cream. He sat the tray in her lap before slowly crawling over to the other side of the bed and settling in next to her. He laid an arm around her shoulder, playing with the strands of hair that rest there.

“Harry,” she affectionately whined his name, a pout on her face, “This is so sweet, thank you.”

Harry just kissed her.


Through breakfast, Harry had fed her bits of fruit and licks of whipped cream in between their bites of waffles; he even did that cute thing where he put the whipped cream on her nose and kissed it off. It was so romantic, (Y/N) thought. She could only imagine the vision of the two of them laid up in his black bed sheets with sunlight coming through his open window; the duvet fluffed high around them, looking like they were two little light spots in a storm cloud. He would periodically make sure her hair wasn’t in her face as she ate, brushing the strands behind her ears and shoulder. She could even see from the corner of her eye how he would just gaze at her while she would take bites; his eyes rounded out and hair tousled. It was right out of a movie, she thinks.

Soon enough, Harry had to leave. (Y/N) pouted and clung to him as he tried to leave. He had cooed to her that he would be home soon and that he just needed to get ready and then he’d come give her a kiss before he left. He even made sure to clean up the bed of any crumbs and take the dishes along with him to the kitchen on his way out. She sat on the bathroom counter and watched him as he fixed his hair and put his eyeliner on (she’s told him to stop tugging at his eye like that multiple times because of early aging, but he never listened). He’s told her before how much he liked watching her get ready, and she didn’t understand why until now. He looked so concentrated on fixing and placing certain strands, and making sure no stray lines or smudges of liner went anywhere. He even asked her opinion on weather or not he should change out his nose piercing for a black hoop to match his lip ring (she said yes). His brows furrowed and his jaw set, making her think this is what he might look like while he was working on tattooing (it was kind of hot, honestly).

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