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You’re an idiot, mate,” Harry tells his friend who laid in the hospital bed next to the chair he was sat in. “You really though’ you could make the jump?” Harry narrows his green eyes at him, trying to hold back his laugh.

“Alright, look,” He started, clearing his throat a bit. “The alcohol totally made me think the jump from the roof to the pool was a shorter distance.” Harry burst into a laugh then. He’d gotten word that one of his buddy’s had been in the hospital for a couple broken bones after being an idiot at a party. He decided to stop in and see him since he was in the area.

“You’re an idiot,” Harry repeats, muttering to himself, reaching up to push his hair from his forehead as his laugh dies down. The door to the hospital room then opens and Harry’s eyes snap up and he instantly feels like he’s lost in a trance instantly. He holds your gaze as you smile at him, walking into the room.

“Hi, you a friend of our guest here?” You ask him, walking towards the bed, looking over your patient. Harry just stares at you, his mouth hanging open and unable to form an appropriate response.

“You could call him a friend, I guess,” His friend smacks at Harry’s chest, breaking him finally from his daze. He clears his throat, his face turning bright red.

“Oh.. sorry. ‘m Harry,” He stands then, holding his hand out towards you. You give him a smile and take it, allowing him to gently shake your hand.

“Y/N,” You introduce, noting that he was still visibly nervous and a bit withdrawn as he takes his seat once more, his face still bright red and looking anywhere but at you now. “Just came in to see how you are feeling,” You turn back to your patient, going back to your job.

You found yourself checking back into that room a lot more regularly than you normally would for such non serious injures while Harry was there that day. You could hear Harry’s laugh and voice while you sat at the nursing station but every time you entered the room he became shy and flustered, unable to get a full sentence out without a stutter to his words and his cheeks flushing bright red.

You thought it was incredibly adorable- and flattering. Never did you think a rockstar would get so nervous around you they couldn’t speak. You of course knew who Harry was the second you walked into the room but had long since been able to handle your actions and expression in any given situation.

“I should feel flattered that you are coming to see me so often but, mate, I know the real reason you’re here.” Harry gives his friend a frown, trying to act like he had no idea where this was going but he knew. You had just left the room and he had actually managed a full conversation with you for the first time since he first met you 4 days ago. He was still grinning from the interaction.

“’m concerned abou’ you, don’ wan’ ya sittin’ up here alone, is all,” Harry argues, knowing the effort was useless. He was caught, or maybe he had never fooled anyone.

“Why don’t you, instead of sitting here annoying me, go chat her up. Get her number. I get out of here in the morning so make your move now while you still can.” Harry bites at his lower lip, thinking over his friends words and trying to build up the courage to do that. Harry had never been this way with a girl before. He was always smooth and collected, able to woo and seduce whoever he wanted but here he was always at a loss for words, a shy and stuttering mess, as soon as you walked into his presence. It was new for him and he wasn’t sure how to get on with it.

“Is everything okay, does he need something?” You wonder when you see Harry approaching you a few moments later. You had one other patient but they were fast asleep so you were currently sat at the nurses station, catching up on some paperwork when you looked up to see the handsome brunette walking up, a nervous look in those green eyes.

“No, bu’ I do,” Harry begins, leaning against the counter before you. You can’t help but smile, proud to see that he was actually being a little less nervous around you.

“Oh yeah? And what’s that?” You stand then, coming around the desk to stand before him. In such close proximity, his demeanor faltered a little but he cleared his throat and continued on, a smile gracing his lips.

“A date,” He starts “With you, tomorrow nigh’,” He made sure to not make it a question, hoping that if he didn’t give you a way out that there was no way he wouldn’t get out of this without a date. His heart was thumping against his chest as he waited for your answer. He felt a rush of relief flood over his entire body as you grinned, a small giggle falling from your lips.

“I honestly thought you were never going to ask.” You tell him and turn back towards your desk, grabbing a blank piece of paper. “Here’s my number and address,” You tell him, scribbling it all down. “Pick me up at 7. I like italian food,” You hand him the paper, seeing that his grin was as wide as yours was.

“Tha’ was much easier than I pu’ in my head it was goin’ to be,” He confesses, tucking the paper into his pocket. You give a small laugh, reaching up to press a small kiss to his cheek.

“I’ll see you at 7,” You pull back and tell him, giving him another smile before you step back and head down the hall for the room of your other patient who’s call light was flashing.

“Aren’t you glad I’m an idiot now?” Harry’s friend asks him as soon as he was back in the room. Harry laughs, patting him gently on the shoulder in thanks.

“Feel free to jump off buildings as much as you’d like.”



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