How to Love Pt 4

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Chapter Four:

Harry sat on his couch, his leg tapping rapidly as he bit at his lower lip, his fingers running along the slight stubble that was growing along his chin. In his other hand was his phone, gripped tight between tense fingers. He was trying to calm himself before he did something he would regret but he was finding it increasingly harder to control his anger.

He found out, through twitter, that Lana and Sasha were having a party tonight and Lana specifically told everyone to not tell Harry what was happening so he wouldn’t show up. Did he really care that he wasn’t invited to a party? No, not really it’s just the blatant lack of respect for him that he was tired of. She went out of her way just to push him out of her life or make him feel miserable. Yes, he had treated her badly there in the end a few years ago, to a point he deserved it, but he was so sick of her little games.

He told himself showing up to just to piss her off wouldn’t go over well, she would surely throw a fit. And that was probably why a second later he was up from his couch, tossing on a jacket as he grabbed for his keys beside the door. He wasn’t going to confront her, not outright at least. He would simply make his way through the party as if he were invited. Perhaps she would wait until next time there were less people around to cause a scene.

“Hey, H!” Niall greeted a little too loudly when Harry stepped through the slightly ajar door of Lana’s apartment twenty minutes later. “You weren’t invited, apparently.” Niall was clearly a couple of drinks in and it made Harry give a small laugh.

“Who needs an invitation to a party these days?” Harry answers, glancing around the crowded space. “Where is our lovely host?” His green eyes never found her as they slid across the space before them, taking in faces - some he recognized and others he didn’t.

“Las’ I saw she was in the kitchen doin’ shots with Sasha and Jenny.” Harry had to resist the urge to roll his eyes at the mention of Jenny. She was one person who actually knew about Harry and Lana’s little love affair they had going on. She had seen some texts over Lana’s shoulder and there was no backing out of it. She actually managed to keep it a secret all these years but that was probably because she’s been away in the states with her new husband for awhile. Jenny was Lana’s childhood best friend and Harry couldn’t stand her. She was one of those girls who thought they knew everything and would clearly always right and you were an idiot for thinking otherwise. “She’ll be righ’ pissed if she sees you, mate. She’s had a few too many, I feel, so she probably wouldn’t be very nice to you.”

“When is she ever nice to me, Niall?” Harry questions with a slight smile on his face. “Gonna go get a drink, I think. Catch up with ya later.” With that he turns and heads for the small kitchen to the left, hearing cheers and clapping as he entered. Lana was leaning up against a counter, a bottle of Fireball in one hand and a shot glass in the other.

“Lana, don’t make yourself sick.” Sasha pleaded, reaching for the bottle but Lana pulled it out of her gasp, pointing a finger at her with the hand that had the glass.

“’m an adult, let me fuckin’ drink if I want to.” With that, she filled the shot glass and took another shot, grimacing a bit as the strong and burning liquid flowed down her throat. “Damn that’s good.” She sighs out after she swallows it all.

“Alright, stop hogging the booze and pass it along.” Jenny calls and Lana actually hands it off to her with a giggle before she turns back to the counter, reaching for a cup of what looked like beer. Harry chose that moment to step up next to her, reaching for a beer that was on the other side of her.

“Lovely party you have going on.” He says, giving her a smirk as he brings the cup to his lips. With that, watching her jaw drop open he turns and heads out of the room, going to find someone else to talk to and leave her to her anger, satisfied with the reaction he’d gotten.

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