hockey harry:

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2:30 PM
You dropped your bag down on the ground by the table, in which all of your friends were sitting, before plopping down into a seat. Your body slumped down in pure exhaustion.

“These exams are going to be the death of me.” You exasperated to Anna, your best friend and roommate.

“Just hang in there,” she placed her hand on your shoulder before throwing a fry in your direction to get you to wake up. “Do you want to go to the hockey game tonight?”

You felt your stomach twist into a knot at the mention of hockey. Going to the hockey game meant seeing him. It was an important game though. The entire University was most likely going.

Him meaning Harry Styles, the star athlete and captain of the University hockey team, the Pioneers. Also him meaning, you’re ex-boyfriend of one year. You split up three months ago, not from loss of love but lack of time for one another. You both tried to make it work, it just didn’t.

You knew it was for the best, but you couldn’t help and wonder if he missed you just as much as you missed him.

Anna could sense your apprehension and placed her hand on your shoulder, “Hey don’t feel pressured. I know you don’t want to see him. Just thought it would be fun to go out during this week of hell.”

You nodded your head in agreement and smiled softly. “Yeah, we can still go. It’s not like I have to speak to him anyways.”


9:30 pm
After a few shots later -- strictly taken to calm your nerves of going to the game, you were seated in the first few rows in the center area of the ice. It was nearing the end of 3rd period and the Pioneers were up by two goals.

The whole game you were on edge due to the sight of Harry. It calmed you that the entire arena was completely filled so he wouldn’t notice you anyways. That and the fact he was playing a full blown hockey game. His mind was only focused on the ice.

You haven’t seen him since you split up. Which explains the slight nerves you feel in your stomach.

He was playing extremely well tonight. A total show off.

“Hey Y/N, do you want to go get a pretzel with me?” Your childhood friend, Jack, whispered towards you with a smile on his face.

You looked toward the concession stand and saw that it was barely crowded. You nodded with a smile and told Anna you would be right back.

Sliding out of the row and into the aisle, you felt Jack sling his arm over your shoulder as you walked down the steps together. “Hockey players are like goldfish. Tap on the glass and you get their attention.” He joked into your ear.

You couldn’t help but throw your head back in laughter at how bad the joke was. You appreciated it though. You knew that he was just trying to ease your nerves.

That was until, you heard a loud commotion on the glass right near you.

The commotion being Harry slamming his fists on the glass like a total caveman that it was rattling so hard. It was hard to hear over the loud noise of the arena but you caught the harsh words leave his lips, “Get your fucking hands off of her.” Before skating off back to the bench.

He was red in the face. Seething at the sight of another man’s arms around you. He knew it was your childhood friend, but he couldn’t help but feel sick at the sight of it.

Jack immediately dropped his arm from your shoulder with astonishment. You looked like you were a deer caught in headlights.

“What the fuck was that?” You started to get mad. Mad at the fact he had the audacity to do that. Mad at the fact he thought he had a right to do that. Mad at the fact that you still felt your heart yearn for him.

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