Taste like WHAT?

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Your Flora skipped down the rose of green busses, every now and then stopping to pick up a bright red strawberry. She has been wanting to go strawberry picking for ages, but Harry was always working so you never got the chance. Now he was finally off and she was finally able to fulfill that dream.

“Papa, look another ripe one.” She looked at you and Harry smiling. Her dimples are on full display. “Yeah we sew love.” She smiled and pulled it off of the vine, placing it into her basket before moving on to find another one.

You held onto Harry’s hand tighter as you followed behind her. “This day is nice.” You said to harry.“ He looked over at you. "I’m happy that I can spend time with my girls.” He leaned over kissing your temple. You smiled turning back to Flora.

She was walking towards you with her full basket of strawberries. “Mommy I’m done with this one. Can I do Aunty Gemma’s now?” Harry nodded, handing the empty basket to her.

“Yes, here you go darling."you took her full basket and harry gave her the empty. She turned around and began to walk off, but the next words that came out of her mouth shocked you.

"Taste like strawberries on a summer evening and it sounds just like a song.” you turned to harry, mouth wide open. She wasn’t supposed to know about watermelon sugar just yet.

“Harry.” He started turning bright red. “It’s not my fault. Me and Mitch were rehearsing the song and she was watching the whole time. We didn’t notice until we finished.”

You shook your head, laughing. “Okay, it’s a little funny. She’s 6 I think it’s fine.” That wasn’t the case when a young couple walked by when she was singing the I just wanted to taste it part.

They used every molecule in their bodies to not laugh. You and Harry saw it. “I’ll fix it later.”


Harry made sure he told Flora later that night not to sing watermelon sugar until she gets a little older, but she was being a pain.

“Why can’t I sing it anymore daddy?”

“Well because It’s not a song for little girls like you.”

“But I not little."

Harry exhaled trying to come up with a better excuse. "Well it’s erm… not a song a song mommy and I will like you to sing.”

“But you sing it.” Harry didn’t know what to say anymore. “Uh okay maybe we can try again tomorrow.” He tucked her under her blanket. “Good night princess.”

He walked out of the room running his hand over his face. You were in the family room waiting for him. “Did you tell her?” Harry exhaled loudly. “She’s asking too many questions.” He laid back against the couch with a huff.

“Well I’ll try to fix it tomorrow.” You laid back against the couch with harry. You both stayed silent for a while until you heard something.

“Taste like strawberries on a summer evening.” It was Flora. You and Harry looked at each other at the same time. “Okay, now she’s taunting us.”



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