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Harry was bored.

He fell back onto his bed with a sigh, the mattress bouncing under his weight as he gazed at the star and flower spotted ceiling above him. (Y/N) had left his cottage early that morning, having kissed him goodbye just before she left for the trail in order to get home and get ready for work. It was her last weekend shift before her classes would start back up, so she completely disregarded Harry’s pleas for her to stay.

“I need to make as much money as I can before my hours are cut,” she had explained, her gaze fixed on picking up her clothes that were littered around the floor of his cottage.

Harry remembered how he followed her around, debating on taking the initiative and unpacking her bag in an effort to make her stay. He was worried, remembering what it was like when they met and she barely had time for him in-between her classes and her job. He’d become so accustomed to her presence and availability, that he was afraid things would make a drastic change when he didn’t have that anymore. In a chest shoved deep into the darkened back corner of his mind, Harry feared she would like being away from him—revel in the time apart that he dreaded. So he was inclined to spend every minute with her, hoping to leave her with lovely memories of him that would keep the two of them tethered together.

Now that he was alone, despite the way he knew (Y/N) had responsibilities outside of their relationship that he respected, he couldn’t help but wish he had followed through with his juvenile plan of sabotaging her packing. He missed her more than what should be allowed after only being apart for a few hours.

From the corner of his eye, Dandelion jumped up on the cushion of his bed. Harry turned to look at his bunny with a small smile on his face, watching as she thumped her back feet over the bedding in an effort to tamp down the fluffs to make a bed. She hunkered down just under Harry’s arm, her little face burrowing in to the crook of his elbow so only her eyes were visible.

“Do y'miss her like I do, Dande?” Harry crooned, shifting to lay on his side and run his fingers through her soft fur. His bunny only blinked at him, shuffling her ears in what he took as agreement. “I know. ’S hard enough already, what are we gonna do when she goes back to school?”

Dandelion’s eyes slowly blinked to a close, the puffing of her nose evening as she fell asleep. She was gifted that way, Harry thought, able to sleep away the times when she was lonely instead of being plagued with consciousness the way he was. He laid with her for a few minutes, passing the time as he dragged his fingers through her fur and hoped that if he spent enough time with her, that somehow her sleepiness would transfer over to him. The plants around him wilted at his uneasiness, mimicking the way he felt now without his own source of sunlight. With the way the real sun was positioned outside, he knew that there was still another few hours before (Y/N) told him her shift would be over, which meant their reunion was hours away as well. He planned on going down to her apartment when she got off, so they could spend the night together, but now, in the air of loneliness, Harry wished time would just move faster.

It wasn’t until Dande sleepily kicked her feet out, settling deeper into Harry’s mattress as she slept, did he get an idea. He wasn’t as nervous as he used to be about venturing into town alone. He still definitely preferred going with (Y/N), but he no longer felt like that was the only option he had. So, that’s what he decided he was going to do. He didn’t want to wait for her to give him the okay to come by, he was going to surprise her and be waiting when she came home. He reminisced over the way she happily jumped into his arms the first time he surprised her with his arrival, a smile coming to his face as he hoped that scene would get a replay when she saw him today.

With a gentle kiss being pressed between Dandelion’s ears, Harry abandoned his post beside her. He absently waved his hand as he made his way to his closet, his duffle bag following right after him. He quickly packed a set of clothing for tomorrow—(Y/N) planned on taking him out for breakfast and then to the park where a paddling of ducks had just been born—and some pajamas as well as a delicate headband made of real flowers he had made for (Y/N). He happily zipped it all up, his sunflower tucked safely among his clothing in case (Y/N) contacted him.

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