Stole my heart and made it your own:

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Ever since you had found out you were pregnant, Harry had been enthralled with your belly, even before you had much of a belly, Harry’s hands were always resting on it. Now, at twenty-four weeks, there was no question, not many of your clothes fitting much anymore, and you were just starting to take on a waddle when you walked.

You snuggled back into Harry’s chest, pressing yourself into his side, both of you stretched out and cuddled together on the sofa, your legs draped over his, your bare toes mingling at the end of the couch.  Harry had his arm around your shoulders, absentmindedly stroking his fingertips over your belly.

Harry dropped a kiss to the top of your head. “How are my two favorite girls, today?” he murmured.

“We’re good,” you said, with a smile, pressing your cheek to his shoulder. “She’s always moving around, she never stays still. I think we have a dancer on our hands.”

Harry laughed, continuing to move his fingers over your belly. “I guess we need to find a ballet studio then.”

You laughed, “Yeah, I guess…” you trailed off, sitting up a little, putting your hands on your belly next to Harry’s, scrunching up your nose a little.“

"Love, what is it?” he said, starting to sound panicked, eyes going wide. “Babe, are you okay? I’ll call the midwife!” He started to reach for his phone on the coffee table, full on panicking now.

“No, wait,” you whispered. “Give me your hand."

Harry set down his phone cautiously, as you grasped his hand and pressed it near the top of your belly. "Say something else."

Harry pursed his lips a little in confusion. "I love you, but are you sure you’re alright?"

You both waited a minute, and then you felt it, and were sure Harry did too. A nudge against your skin, and then a what you guessed was knee, roll across your belly as your daughter stretched.

Harry let out a breathy laugh, his eyes lighting up and a smile stretching across his lips. "Wow,” he whispered, moving his hand around to feel her. “That’s amazing, I’ve never felt her move like that."

"She always starts moving like crazy when you talk, she likes the sound of your voice,” you explained. “She’s a daddy’s girl already."

Harry smiled, and you looked up to see his eyes glossy with tears. "I love you, Darcy.” He paused for a second, before beginning to sing softly. “Hey little girl, look what you’ve done, you’ve gone and stole my heart and made it your own. You’ve stole my heart and made it your own. Black and white and right and wrong, only live inside a song I will sing to you.”

He grinned, as she starting moving around again, pressing his hands to your belly, you watched him with tears in your eyes. “My little girl.”

Oh my gosh! I love doing these! Thank you to the anon who requested this. There’ll be another up soon.

The song Harry sings at the end is ‘My Little Girl’ by Jack Johnson. Go listen to it if you haven’t, it’s pretty cute.

If you have a daddy Harry moment, scene, topic, etc. that you want me to write, stick it in my Ask. Please keep the requests coming! I love writing for you guys! You all are so sweet and I want to hug every single one of you! @wildflowersea

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