you confess that you love him before his wedding:

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“Wha’ do you mean you can’t make it?” You hear the sadness ripple through Harry’s voice over the phone after you tell him that you weren’t going to be able to make it to his wedding next week. You could just imagine the crease between his brows as he frowns. You knew that look all too well.

“I just… I won’t be in town. I can’t.” You were lying. You were sitting in your living room right this second with no plans of leaving for awhile. The idea though, of watching Harry marry someone else, someone that wasn’t you, just caused this sharp pain to form in the center of your chest and you felt it was better that you stay away.

“I need my best friend though.” He mutters and again, you can hear the sadness in his words. “You can’t reschedule your plans? Please, love, for me. I can’t do it without you.” You sigh, resting your head back on the couch, running a hand across your face.

“I’ll try but… I don’t know, Harry.” You knew the day of his wedding you would most likely be sat in this exact same spot, crying over losing the man you were in love with simply because you were too afraid to tell him such.

As the next few days passed and the wedding got closer and closer, you distanced yourself from Harry. He wanted you to come pick up his tux with him to get your opinion that it looked alright but you said no, he wanted you to come over and give your opinion on what music to play at the reception, you said you were sick. You just couldn’t look into his face as he talked about his wedding and his fiancee. You just couldn’t do it.

“I’m coming over and we are drinking. I need a night away from all things wedding.” You read his text over and over at again before finally responding with an okay. He wanted away from wedding things, so maybe that meant he wouldn’t want to talk about it either.

“Why do I get the feeling tha’ you don’ want to spend time with me?” Harry asks later in the night after the two of you had already had quite a bit to drink. Your brain was starting to get foggy and it was starting to seem more and more like a good idea to confess to Harry the real reason you wouldn’t be attending his wedding in three days.

“I always want to spend time with you, Harry.” And that was the truth. Harry was who you wanted to spend every second with, for the rest of your life. Not that you would say that though, you kept that bit to yourself and instead took another large gulp of your drink and avoided looking at him.

“Do you not like that I’m gettin’ married?” His voice was quiet as he asks this and you can practically feel his frown on you but you look anywhere but at him. “Ever since I got engaged you’ve been differen’ towards me.”

“I don’t know, Harry.” You sigh, unsure how to put into words exactly how you felt. You could always confess you were in love with him, that would put everything out there, but also ruin your friendship and you didn’t want to do that.

“If you’re afraid me bein’ married is goin’ to effect our friendship, you’re wrong.” He moves a little closer to you, putting his drink down. He reaches for yours and puts it down on the coffee table next to his before he takes your hand. You finally look over at him, realizing just how close he was to you now. Your breath hitched in your throat a bit. “I already told her that no matte’ what she wants, you’re in my life. I won’t lose you, not after everythin’ that you and I have gone through. I’m not lettin’ somethin’ like me gettin’ married take you away from me.” You give a small smile but then look down, biting at your lip. “Do you not like her? Is tha’ wha’ it is? You don’t like who I’m marrying?”

“Harry, she’s great.” And she was. She was sweet, passionate, caring, and took great care of Harry but at the end of the day she would never be good enough for him simply because she wasn’t you.

[H.S] ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora