You come out as bi and get hate

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Once you had gotten the courage to confess to Harry that you were bisexual you had the courage to be open about it on social media and to everyone else. The only person who’s opinion of you truly mattered was Harry anyway. As long as you had him supporting you, you wouldn’t really care. You knew he cared for you all the same.

But as soon as you let it out to the public, the response was shocking. Almost everyone began saying that you didn’t deserve him, that you must not really love him if you were attracted to girls as well. It wasn’t like that though. Just because you had an attraction to girls didn’t mean you cared for Harry any less.

“I didn’t think they would be so negative about it.” You tell Harry one day as the two of you make dinner together. You had been scrolling through twitter and were still seeing everyone saying mean and hurtful things. You thought you were in a more accepting world these days but you knew that unfortunately not everyone was supportive of the LGBT community and that really sucked. “It’s even been a few weeks since I first said it and everyone is still bringing it up.”

“I’m sorry that they are acting like this.” He walks up behind you as you work at the stove. He slips his arms around your waist, pressing the front of his body against your back. He buries his face in your neck, nuzzling your neck.

“It’s not your fault, babe. I don’t blame you for the hate.” You tell him, reaching up to run your fingers through his long curls. He sighs and nods, pulling away from you a bit.

“I just…” He sighs again, pulling away from you completely so you can turn to face him. You frown at how upset he seemed to be. He had a deep crease between his brows.

“You just what?” You question him. He absentmindedly pushes his hair back away from his face.

“It just really upsets me that they are acting like this towards you just for being bi.” He explains, getting a nod from you in response. “It’s not like you left me for a girl.” You laugh as you turn back to the food.

“They just feel like I’m betraying you by having an attraction to girls. A lot don’t understand how I could want someone of the same gender when I have you right here in front of me.” You shrug as he rests his arms back around your waist.

“But I know you love me all the same so it just really upsets me that they can’t just support you. I can’t believe my fans are hating on you like this, and for something like this. I never expected it of them.” He really did seem angry and upset about this, more so than you were. You turn back to face him, resting your arms around his shoulders, smiling up at him.

“Harry, you’re fans have been sending me hate since the second they found out about our relationship.” You remind him but he shakes his head, still seeming to be upset.

“On a subject like this is different though. I wish they supported anyone of any sexuality.” You didn’t know how to answer so you just lean forward, pressing your lips to his.

“I’m just thankful that you support me. You’re all that I need.” He finally breaks into a smile, kissing you again.

“I’ll support you through anything, love.” You grin, knowing that he really did mean that. You were so thankful for him, you really were.

Later that night you saw Harry on his phone, frowning at the screen as the two of you lay in bed, about to get some sleep.

“What’s got you so concerned?” You question, rolling closer to him to rest your head on his shoulder so you could see his screen. You saw that he was looking through @replies to you, reading over some of the negative comments. You sigh, grabbing his phone from his hands. “Stop.” You lift your head to look up at him. You could see now just how upset about the hate he was. He really didn’t like how everyone was taking it and he didn’t know what to do about it. He really thought better of his fans.

“I just.. I think I want to say something to them about it.” He answers, grabbing for his phone again. He takes it from your hand and opens up a new tweet. You know that you couldn’t stop him even if you tried so you instead rest your head back against his shoulder and watch him type.

@Harry_Styles: I can’t seem to understand the hate @yourtwittername has been getting for her sexuality. I love her all the same and know she loves me too. H.

@Harry_Styles: I don’t understand the hate towards her just for her sexuality. Let’s love everyone all the same and support one another, yeah? Love is love. H.

“There’s more I would like to say but I will leave it at that.” He says as he reaches over to put his phone on the nightstand. He turns into you, pulling you closer. He kisses at your cheek a couple of times, small soft kisses, making you smile.

“I’m so thankful to have someone as perfect as you.” You tell him, smiling at him. His green eyes light up as he smiles back, leaning in to kiss you gently. “I love you.” You whisper against his lips, getting a more fierce kiss in response.

“And I you, my love, forever.” He vows, kissing you once more.



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