Boys Make Fun Of Your Relationship:

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You were so glad that you were able to join your boyfriend and his band on tour for this go around. You’d missed him so much last time he’d gone on tour and you’d been unable to go. You weren’t staying with him the entire time but you were going to at least see him more than you did most tours, and for you that was good enough.

“’m glad you’re here, love.” Harry whispers to you as you, him and his band mates all sat around their dressing room before they were to go on stage and perform. You were curled up in his lap, your arms around his neck while his were tight around your hips. He pressed his nose into your hair and kisses the side of your head. The other boys were lost in an argument over what city was the best to play in so they weren’t paying the two of you any mind.

“I’m glad that I am too.” You look down into Harry’s green eyes before you rest your forehead against his. He smiles and runs his hand up and down your back.

“I always miss you so much when I’m gone.” He tells you. “I miss that smile,” he brings his hand up to run his thumb across your lower lip as you grin. “I miss your soft skin,” You shiver a bit as his hand then trails down your arm, his fingers brushing gently across your skin. “those lips.” He glances down at your still grinning mouth before leaning forward to press his lips to yours, his hand coming back up to cup your cheek in his large palm to pull your lips a bit closer against his.

“Isn’t that just the cutest!” You pull apart when you hear Liam’s loud voice yell. You look over at the three guys as they all walk towards the two of you, grinning. “Little Harry is so in love!” Harry sighs, shaking his head.

“Out little Harry has found true love!” Niall leans over, wrapping his arms around both of you and hugs you against him. Harry uses one arm to push him away from the both of you and shakes his head once again.

“You are just jealous that he has someone to love on and you don’t.” You argue, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling his head to rest against your chest. Harry grins, wrapping both arms tight around you and nods.

“Righ’, just jealous is all.” He comments but the three guys break into laughter.

“You’re whipped, mate.” Louis jokes, shaking his head. You knew they were all just playing with the two of you. You’d been together for long enough and had been around these boys for far too long, you knew they loved you and loved the two of you together. You were all close enough to just take the piss out of each other every once in a while.

“Hey, I think it’s cute.” Niall argues, grinning at the two of you. “Harry deserves to have someone to take care of him. We all know he can’t look after himself.”

“True, he’d be a right mess without you.” Liam nudges you a bit, laughing. You give a small laugh and shake your head. “Bit of a mess even with you, though to be honest.”

“Excuse me, Liam?” Harry tilts his head to the side, a deep crease between his brows as he frowns.

“You’ve got him wrapped around that finger of yours, Y/N. Why can’t you get him to get a haircut?” Liam continues on. “I think it’s time.” You gasp and pout, reaching your hand up to rest it on Harry’s long curls, pulling his head back to your chest.

“Don’t say such a thing. They are perfect just as they are.” You argue, still guarding the curls as the three of them laugh and Harry continues to pout against your chest.

“So mean to me.” He mumbles. You smile and lean in to press a kiss to the top of his head. Just then, they were all informed that it was time to head to side stage. You stand from Harry’s lap as the three still laughing guys head out of the room still joking about your relationship to each other as they went.

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