How To Love Pt 6:

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Lana wasn’t sure how she wanted this conversation to go but she could tell it probably wasn’t going to go well as her and Harry sat across from each other on opposite couches. Niall sat beside Lana, biting at his lip as no one spoke. They hadn’t spoken a single word since Lana came back into the room after sliding on the one pair of jeans she had here.

The tense silence was almost worse than the arguing, Niall thought to himself as he looked back and forth between the two of them. He almost missed when the two would bicker, shooting snide comments and glares back and forth. The silence now was almost unbarriable. It was thick and full of so many unsaid words waiting to come out.

“Am I going to have to be like a marriage councelor here, then?” He eventually speaks up, looking over at Lana who was staring at the wall across the way, seeming to have found a particularly interesting spot on it. “Or should I jus’ leave the two of ya alone instead?” Niall goes to stand but as Harry calls out a no, Lana grabs his arm, pulling him back down into his spot as he sighs. “You two need to stop this.” He scolds them both, looking from one to the other and back. “You’re adults, so act like it. The two of you clearly used to be able to talk, you were in a relationship for fucks sake!” Niall was now clearly fed up with the both of them.

“Niall,” Lana starts but clearly Niall had things he wanted to say now and he shakes his head, cutting off anything that she was about to say.

“’m tired of this already. The two of you have shit to work through and ya aren’t gonna ge’ anywhere sittin’ here in silence like a bunch of ten year olds.” Harry sighs, knowing that Niall was right, of course. It seemed everyone around them knew what to do and say but for some reason Harry and Lana just couldn’t do or say the right thing when it came to the other, probably why a relationship ended up being a bad idea to get into. “I am going to leave, I’ll be jus’ in the other room so if one of ya starts throwin’ things like before, I will stop it because I am not havin’ that shit in my house.” He gives them both a pointed look before he stands, gives one shake of his head, and leaves the room.

“So,” Lana bites at her lip, looking anywhere but at Harry, her fingers tangling and untangling themselves in her lap as she fidgets aimlessly. Harry watches her, unsure of how to start.

“Mind if I come sit over there?” He asks quietly, gesturing to the seat that Niall had just vacated beside her when she glances over at him. “Be nicer to talk if we weren’t all the way across the room..” He explains with a shrug when she hesitates on giving an answer. Eventually though she shrugs and scoots over a bit more. He stands, moving across the room slowly. Lana tries to ignore the body heat coming from him but it was so hard to ignore when he sits beside her. And almost as soon as she thinks about his body and looks up, meeting his eye, a memory flashes through her mind.

“You think something like this could actually work?” Harry questions her as the two lay on the couch, their arms and legs wrap tight around one another. The two of them had just shared their first kiss moments before and were unsure of how to proceed. They were both smiling, laughs escaping both of their lips every once in a while. Neither of them could believe that they had actually done this and were actually contemplating more.

“Would it be crazy to say maybe?” Lana looks into those green eyes that she had been drawn to the moment she met Harry. He gives a soft smile and leans in, kissing her forehead gently.

“Yeah,” He whispers, his lips still pressed against her skin. Harry hadn’t realized how strong his feelings were for the girl wrapped up in his arms until he was here with her this way. “Bu’ I’m willing to give it a go if you are.” She pulls back to smile up at him, snuggling a little closer to his body. She could feel every line, every muscle, under her touch and it warmed her to the very core. She reaches down, slinking her fingers under his shirt. She smirks as he takes a sharp inhale as her fingers make their way up his stomach, tracing the lines of his muscles. She loved the feel of his body under her touch, she was craving it more and more the more she touched.

“I am.” She whispers, her smirk still in place. He answers her smirk with one of his own before his lips were back on hers. As he pushed her back, hovering over her so his lower half pressed against hers and he supported himself on his elbows, she couldn’t help but think how right this felt. There was a tinge or wrongness to it, knowing that they should probably talk to Niall before they moved further but there was no stopping now so they didn’t.

“Lana?” She jumps back into reality, blinking away the memory as she takes in the man before her that she had just been thinking about, re-living their first moments together.

“Sorry,” She mutters, feeling her cheeks burn with embarrassment as she looks down, focusing on her hands still tangled in her lap. “Lost in thought.” Harry watches her for a second. Her hair had fallen in her face and he desperately wanted to push it back behind her ear but he kept his hands to himself.

“Are you as tired as I am of hating on one another?” He eventually questions and she looks up at him, meeting his eye before she looks away with a sigh falling from her lips.

“It is a bit exhausting, eh?” He gives a small laugh, nodding in agreement almost instantly. “It had started to come so naturally though.” She confesses, a small smile gracing her lips.

“Would it be… is it..” Harry trails off, unsure of how to voice what was on his mind. “Is it crazy to want to try again?” His voice was so quiet and he wasn’t even sure why he said it. Sure, he meant it but they couldn’t possibly get back together now. They still had such a far way to go until they could even think about the possibility of that.

“Harry,” Lana sighs, pushing her hair back from her face. She meets those stunning green eyes that were searching her face, a look of hope graced within them. “I don’t think I’m ready for that.” Harry looks at the floor then, giving a nod.

“No, no, you’re righ’… we can’t.. we can’t even get along.”

“We’re getting along now.” Lana reminds him but he shakes his head and looks back up at her.

“We haven’ started talkin’ about what we really need to yet though so we probably won’ be for much longer.” Lana knew he was right. She had so much to say and not all of would probably come out nicely.

“Promise me something?” Lana questions and immediately gets a nod in response so she continues. “While we talk neither of us leaves. We need to stop running from one another and resolve all of this so we can finally move on and be able to be in the same room as one another.”

“I think that is a good idea. No leaving, yes, sounds good.” Harry agreed. The two did have a knack of fighting and then running from one another and leaving things even worse than they started. Harry and Lana were both so ready to talk this through and let whatever happened between them happen and be done with it.



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