Y/N gets rapped at a bar:

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You weren’t even sure what exactly happened. Your mind only remembered bits and pieces of it, here and there. Your body however, remembered every hit, punch and touch that it took. You were at a bar with a group of friends. You and your friend had gone to the restroom but the two of you got separated on the way back to the table. You were grabbed roughly and drug from the bar, no one around seeming to notice the struggle.

You screamed and cried for your boyfriend, willing him to somehow sense what was happening as this gross disgusting man slapped you around and had his way with you but no help came. It wasn’t until 20 minutes after the disgusting man had run off down the dark alley he had drug you in that you managed to clamber to your feet and wobble down the alley and to the main road.

“Miss, are you alright?!” You hear someone yell before everything began to spin and your body gave out. You hit the hard sidewalk with a thud and were unconscious. When you came around, you were being loaded up into an ambulance, your best friend beside you, gripping at your hand.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Y/N, so sorry.” She sobbed. You frown and shake your head.

“Harry….” You wanted Harry and you hoped she understood. She gave a nod, pushing your hair back from your face before you black out again. When you wake up again, you were resting in a warm bed, a soft beeping filling the room around you.

“You can’t blame yourself, Harry, what could you have done?” You hear a soft voice from beside you before you hear a sniffling, sounding like someone was crying.

“I could have gone out with her, I could have been there. I was supposed to go out with her but decided not to go last minute.” You hear your boyfriend respond to who you now recognized as his best friend Louis.

“She went out with her friends, no one knew this was going to happen. You can’t be with her every second of the day.” Louis reasons but you don’t hear Harry respond. You slowly open your eyes and turn your head, looking to see your long haired boyfriend with his head in his hands in the chair beside your bed. Louis stood beside him, rubbing his back comfortingly.

“Harry.” You croak out. His head snaps up and his tear filled eyes meet yours.

“Love, hey.” He jumps up and comes over to you, taking your hand gently in his. “Do you know what happened?” He asks as he takes a seat on the edge of my bed. Louis takes Harry’s vacated seat but says nothing.

“I was…” You open your mouth, trying to say that disgusting ‘r’ word but your mouth just can’t form it, your voice won’t let you actually speak it.

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” Harry brushes your hair back from your face. “I should have been there, I should protected you.” Tears run down his cheeks making tears of your own run down your cheeks. You shake your head, squeezing at his hand.

“I don’t blame you, Harry, I don’t blame anyone but that disgusting guy.” You assure him. “Please don’t blame yourself.” He sighs and nods.

“I can promise you that once the police find that fucker, I am going to personally murder him for ever putting his hands on you.” You give a small laugh. “How are you feeling, love?” You weren’t sure how to answer that. You felt so gross, dirty, violated.

“I feel…” You feel tears sliding down your cheeks, leaving hot wet tracks down your skin. “I feel broken.” Harry frowns, his green eyes welling up with tears.

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” He wipes at your tears. “What can I do for you?”

“Just never leave me, okay?” A part of you wanted to push away Harry, afraid of ever being touched, but the biggest part of you knew that this was Harry, he was the one person on the planet who would never hurt you in anyway whatsoever. You trusted him completely.

“I’m not going anywhere, love, I promise.” He leans down and gently presses a kiss to your forehead.

You felt so disgusting and violated but with Harry by your side, you were sure you were going to get through this. You knew he wouldn’t push you or force you into doing anything until you were completely ready and for that you were thankful. You had the greatest support system.

“Will you hold me?” You ask, beginning to cry more as you think about it all again. He gives a nod, his lip trembles a little but he turns away. Him and Louis exchange sad looks before Harry envelopes you against his chest, hugging you gently against him. You weren’t sure how long it would take you to be okay again but having Harry by your side was already making you feel better.



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