doesn't remember who you are after surgery:

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“I’ll be right here when you wake up, okay?” You lean over to press a soft kiss to Harry’s cheek who nods from his place in the dentist chair. “You’re just getting your wisdom teeth out, you’ll be alright.”

“Still scary.” He mumbles, making you laugh.

“You’ll be fine.” You assure him. He had been nervous all day and the night before but you knew after the pain of the surgery wore off in a couple of days, he would feel so much better not having to deal with the pain his wisdom teeth were giving him.

“Kiss for good luck?” He asks, puckering up his lips. You laugh and oblige, pressing your lips to his gently. “Migh’ be a few days until you can kiss me again so I think you should do it again.”

“Now now, control yourself, Harry.” But you press another kiss to his lips anyway before taking a step away from him. The dentist and his assistant then came in and began preparing the IV in Harry’s arm to put him under anesthesia for the procedure. “I’m gonna go wait out in the lobby with Louis now but I’ll be back before you wake up.” You brush his long hair from his face and press a soft kiss to his forehead. He looks up at you with wide green eyes and nods. You give him one last smile before heading out of the room and back to the waiting room where Louis sat in a chair.

Louis came to keep you company and to help get Harry to the car after he wakes up as you were told he would be groggy and disoriented for awhile. Louis said he also wanted to film Harry, sure he would say something ridiculous like all those people in the viral videos online.

The surgery takes awhile but you and Louis keep each other entertained and soon you are being told to come back to him. Louis follows after you, phone in his hand ready to record. Harry was still out in the chair, his face puffy and swollen and he had gauze in his mouth to stop the bleeding. The dentist begins to explain the aftercare for his mouth and let you know that everything went just fine.

“He should start to wake up any second now.” The dental assistant lets you know, making you nod and just as you do, a deep crease forms between Harry’s brows as he frowns. He groans a bit before his green eyes blink open. You see Louis beside you turn on his camera and begin filming. He wanted to make sure to catch anything ridiculous Harry may say because you were sure he would.

“Harry?” You say softly. His eyes turn to you before they widen.

“Well aren’t you gorgeous..” He mutters, making you laugh. His voice was muffled and thick, talking through the gauze. “And what is your name, beautiful?” Everyone in the room laughs again as you shake your head.

“This is normal, sometimes they forget things but it’s just temporary, it’ll come back to him in a minute or two.” The dentist informs you. You nod, turning back to Harry who was still eyeing you as if you were completely new to him.

“I’m Y/N.” You tell him, smiling. “You ready to go home?”

“Slow down now, love, we just met. Let me at least buy you a drink first.” He was slightly struggling to speak through the gauze but was managing just fine, it would seem.

“Harry, you’ve bought me plenty of drinks already.” You remind him but he frowns and shakes his head.

“Someone as gorgeous as you I would remember meeting.” You laugh, thankful that Louis was filming now, you couldn’t wait to see Harry’s face when he watched this back. “You are absolutely beautiful.” He reaches up, running his fingers across your cheek. “I’ve never seen someone so beautiful.” He whispers. You grin. At least he wasn’t saying you were ugly or anything, he still thought you were beautiful even when he was drugged up.

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