Does a YouTube Video with you:

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“Bu’ wha’ am I suppos’ to do?” Harry questions, frowning at the table in front of the two of you. It was littered with a wide selection of your makeup and perched behind it was your camera. You and your subscribers had been trying for years to get your boyfriend Harry to do a video with you and he finally agreed.

“Do my makeup.” You tell him, grinning at his quizzical face, a deep crease formed between his brow.

“I don’ know how to do makeup, love.” He looks up at you, his frown still in place. You laugh and lean over, kissing his cheek.

“That’s the point. Just do your best.” You then turn on the camera and nudge him. “We’re starting. Smile.” Harry shakes his head a bit before he takes a deep breath and puts on a straight face. It wasn’t quite a smile but it wasn’t a frown anymore either. “Hey, everyone! The day has finally come, I got Harry to do the boyfriend does my makeup challenge!”

“It took a lo’ of convincing.” Harry mumbles beside you. You laugh and shove him playfully, finally getting a smile from him.

“I have set out some of my makeup for him to use. I’m not going to tell him anything for what to do. We’re going to see how the great Harry Styles does.” You look over at Harry. “Well, get started then.” Harry sighs and looks down at all the makeup, his creased frown back in place.

“I don’ know where to start though.” You say nothing and just raise an eyebrow at him. He then grabs your bottle of foundation and reads the label. “Does this go on first?” He asks you, holding it up. You couldn’t help but laugh at his confusion and decide to help so you give a simple nod, still smiling. “Okay.. bu’ how do I get it on you?”

“Oh come on, babe, you’ve watched me do my makeup before.” You point to the cup of brushes set to the side anyway though. He nods and grabs one, which actually turned out to be the correct one.

“Okay, I can do this.” He mutters to himself, making you laugh as he opens your foundation. “You always pu’ it on the back of your hand.” He lifts his hand up and tips the bottle upside down but more comes out than he had planned and a large amount pours across his hand. “Oh, fuck!” You give a full laugh now, watching him try to keep it from dripping on him. He grabs the brush and dips it into the makeup. “Okay, let’s go.” You can already see that he put far too much foundation on the brush but you say nothing and allow him to press the brush to your face. He begins to move the brush around and it quite literally feels like he his smearing paint on your face the layer is so thick.

“How’s it look?” You ask when he pulls back and stops to admire his work. He frowns slightly, his green eyes filled with worry. “That bad, eh?”

“I just can’ get it to look as good as you do.” He swipes the brush across your cheek again but then frowns more, clearly having made it worse. You laugh and grab the brush from him, putting it back on the table in front of you.

“Let’s move on, shall we?” He nods and turns to look at the remaining makeup, focusing on what should be the next step.

“I think I’ll do the eyes.” He mumbles to himself and grabs the eyeshadow pallete and a brush. “Close your eyes, I don’ wan’ you to see what colors I use.” You eye him skeptically for a second but then do as he asked. You feel him press the brush to one of your eyes and move it back and forth and then he pauses. “Tha’ is darker than I thought it was..” He speaks quietly, mumbling to himself but you know the camera picked it up too.

“Just keep going.” You reassure him and feel him go back to swiping the eyeshadow across your lid. He mumbles and grumbles to himself the entire time he finishes the eyes. “Are you going to try a winged eyeliner?” You ask after he claims to be done with the shadow.

“I can try, I guess.” He answers, shrugging. “What would I do tha’ with?” He grabs product after product then, opening them and looking for the right thing. Finally he opens your eyeliner and nods. “I migh’ mess up this wonderful shadow though.”

“You’ll do great.” You reassure him, closing your eyes as he moves closer with the eyeliner. You hear him give an exhale of breath before he starts to work on the eyeliner. When he tries to wing it out he makes the mistake of trying to wipe away a mistake and ended up smearing the still wet liner across the side of your face.

“Shit.” He mumbles, making you laugh for the thousandth time during this video. “I can do this.” He reassures himself and gets back to it. “I think I did alrigh’” He mumbles. “This is mascara, righ?” You open your eyes to see that he had in fact grabbed the right thing.

“Please don’t stab my eye out.” You tell him as he opens it up. He gives you a wide grin, his adorable dimples making an appearance.

“Never, love.” Before he begins, he reaches up and pushes his long brown curls from his face before leaning closer to you. He actually managed to do the mascara very well, not poking you in the eye once the entire time though you were positive that it was all over the place under your eye as he didn’t seem to do as well on the lower lashes. “All I have left is this and lipstick, right?” He holds up one of your blushes.

“If that’s what you think, then sure.” You answer, making him narrow his green eyes at you.

“Now I feel like I’m forgettin’ somethin’.” He looks back at the table, examining the remaining products. “Oh well, this is all I’m doing.” He then does the blush, his eyes widening a bit after one swipe of the brush across your face.

“Too much again?” You ask, knowing that product was very pigmented and bright.

“No.” He mutters and moves onto the other cheek but avoids eye contact. “Lipstick now.” He reaches for a color that you knew he loved on you and opens it up, twisting the lipstick up. “This should be easy.” But it wasn’t, of course. He spent what felt like 5 minutes wiping away lipstick he had managed to get all over the area around your lips.

“Finished?” You ask him when he puts the lipstick down finally. He looks you over and nods. “Should I be afraid to look?” He shrugs, looking a bit sheepish, his long curls falling in his face before he pushes them away.

“I think you look beautiful.” You laugh and grab your mirror and finally take a look at what Harry did to your face. You instantly break out into a loud laugh. The foundation was thick and streaky, the eyeshadow was dark, not blended and seemed to go all the way up to your eyebrows, which  weren’t filled in. The eyeliner was all over the place, naturally. Your cheeks had bright pink circles on them, kind of like a doll or clown. The dark red lipstick all around your lips added to the clown look.

“Okay…” You mutter, putting the mirror down. “You did forget a few things but I give you an A for effort none the less.” You turn towards him, seeing his adorable boyish grin in place.

“You should le’ me do your makeup everyday.” He jokes. You laugh too and shake your head, leaning over to press a big sloppy kiss to his cheek. He groans as you leave a big round lip print on his face.

“You put so much on, I needed to share.” You tell him as he wipes it away. You then turn back to your camera to close out the video. “How do you think Harry did? Leave your opinions and critique’s down in the comments and be sure to thank him for finally joining us. See you in the next one!” Harry waves and grins at the camera before you turn it off.

“The mascara is alrigh’.” Harry comments, still eyeing his handiwork. You laugh, reaching for a makeup wipe to start taking this thick layer of foundation and lipstick off of your face.

“That’s about it though.” You tell him, getting an adorable frown in response. “You were great though, thank you for doing this with me.” He breaks into a smile then and leans over, pressing a kiss to your still lipstick covered lips.

“It was more fun than I though’ it would be.” He confesses as you reach up with your makeup wipe and get the lipstick off of his lips that he had just gotten on him before you go to work on yourself.

“My subscribers will definitely be entertained.”



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