Addiction [3]

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You never thought that Harry would quit on you. He had promised you forever but here you were, sitting in your large home all alone while he was out living his life again with god knows who, no longer being drug down by his addict girlfriend.

You’d like to say you had done as he asked and gotten help, that you checked into rehab and were getting treatment but that wasn’t the case. The day after Harry returned with Niall, Louis and Liam to get the rest of his clothes, as soon as they were gone, you turned to drugs again. And it was probably worse than ever. What was the point anymore? You lost Harry anyway, nothing mattered. You didn’t care for anything.

You’d stopped eating, you rarely left your bed, and if you did it was only to go out and get more drugs. You ignored all the texts and calls you were getting from your friends. There was only one person you cared about and he didn’t care anymore so you didn’t either.

You hadn’t realized how bad things were until you started to feel incredibly sick one day. You were weak, had no energy and spent the morning in front of the toilet. Since you hadn’t eaten, you mostly dry heaved and it hurt. You were crying and felt terrible but you didn’t know what to do. You were so far gone.

As your vision starts to waiver in and out, your strength deteriorating completely, you grab for your phone, suddenly very terrified for what you had done to yourself. You click on the name of the person who’s voice you needed most right now and prayed that he would answer.

“Y/N? Why haven’t you been responding to my messages? Or anyone else’s?” He questions when he answers. And just like that, his voice brought a smile to your face but you were so weak, you collapse against the cool floor of your bathroom, unable to keep yourself up right anymore. “Love?” Harry questions, not getting a response.

“Harry.” You whisper, your vision turning black. You close your eyes, feeling the entire world spinning around you. You were terrified at this point but didn’t even have the strength to cry. Were you dying? Had you finally killed yourself with the drugs that had ruined your life? Was this it?

“Love, I’m on my way!” You hear Harry yell but still can’t answer. “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry.” You hear tears in Harry’s voice and want to call out, to tell him that you’re okay but you weren’t and you needed him. “Answer me, please!” You try to make a sound but nothing happens. You couldn’t even move now.

What felt like a second later, you felt a pair of hands on your face, brushing your hair away from your face. You could hear talking but it was all so muffled and made no sense. You couldn’t open your eyes but those hands, they felt so familiar. A pair of lips press to your forehead over and over again as you are pulled close against someone’s chest as they begin to rock you back and forth. You knew it was Harry, you knew his touch, his lips, his smell. He was here, he came back to you.

You completely blacked out then. What felt like a second later you started to blink your eyes open. You could feel pressure on one of your hands and could feel the soft sheets under your body. You knew you were in a hospital, you could hear the steady beep of the monitor beside you.

“Y/N?” Your eyes continue to flutter until they finally open completely and you were greeted with Harry leaning over you. He grips at one of your hands, his other free hand was rubbing comfortingly circles on your cheek with his thumb. “Hey.” He whispers, giving you a soft smile. “I’m so happy to see those eyes open.”

“What happened?” You whisper, not able to get your voice any higher. You watch as the smile slides off of Harry’s face. He sits on the bed beside you, resting your hand in his lap. You had an IV attached to the back of your hand. He ran his fingers over the tape holding it in gently, not looking at you. He sighs and shakes his head.

[H.S] ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon