backstage fun:

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“GO!” they all yelled and you took off running with Harry on your heels. You were in the middle of a Nerf war with the guys while waiting for the concert to start. You had a gun in your hand and turned the corner right before Harry shot a nerf bullet at you. You screamed and then started laughing before kneeling behind some stage props. You had your gun in hand and knew Harry was about to come running around the prop. You heard his foot steps and held your breath as he ran past.

“Got you!” you yelled shooting him in the back with one of the foam bullets. Harry spun on his heels and you shot him again, this time hitting him right in the shoulder. You smirked and laughed, as he stood staring at you with his mouth open. “Now who’s the loser?” you say grinning at him. He laughs and walks closer to you. He grabs your shirt and pulls you against his chest. Slowly he lowers his lips onto yours and with his free hand tugs your hair forcing your chin up in the air so he can kiss you better. You drop the gun and wrap your arms around his neck while kissing him back harder. His hips force you back against the prop you were hiding behind and your hands move to pull his shirt off. His starts trailing kisses down your jaw and along your neck and you let out a quiet moan as your hands trace the tattoos on his chest. He gently sucks on your neck and you moan his name as his hands gently message your boobs. He kisses around your ear and gently bites your earlobes as his hands move their way down to your butt. You pull his face back to yours and kiss his lips passionately. You both smile as your lips press harder together and Harry lifts you off the ground. Your legs wrap tightly around his waist and your hands tangle in his hair.

Pulling your head away from his minutes later, you are both gasping for air. “If I had known you winning would get me that, I would’ve lost a lot sooner.” he tells you smiling. You laugh and lightly punch him in the chest as you hear Louis’ voice approaching. Harry sets you down and the two of you grab your guns and chase after him. You look around confused. You  know he was here a minute ago. Silently you and Harry make a plan to circle the room. You are about to walk when Louis comes shooting into the room on a golf cart. He aims the nerf gun at you and you try to run, but it’s too late. the bullet hits you in the stomach and you fall to the ground laughing.

“I am the winner!” he yells as Paul comes into the room and pulls Louis off the cart.

“Stop messing around and get back to work!” he yells to Harry and Louis. You laugh and walk with the boys back to their dressing rooms.

Ok I know this isn’t my best imagine but I ran out of time and just decided to post it. Sorry for whoever requested it, I know its a little bit random and all over the place. Thanks for the support everyone!

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