Protect Us:

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We should go look in there,” Harry said, pointing to the front window of a shop that had impressively adorable baby things in the window. A vintage stroller, a display of enough tiny little girls’ clothes to fill Darcy’s entire wardrobe, an ornate, white painted crib.

Harry held your hand tightly as you walked along the sidewalk, browsing shops and enjoying an unseasonably warm day in downtown London. Harry cautiously kept an  eye out for fans and paparazzi, noticing a few start to trail the two of you. At a little over eight months, he was extra cautious to make sure you weren’t jostled or bumped in to.

“Sounds good,” you said with a smile, and he pulled the door open for you, following you into the shop. You two browsed for a while picking up a few more essentials, and few things you couldn’t resist.

“Babe, look at these,” Harry called over to you. You looked up from where you were sorting through some blankets. He held up a tiny pair of pink and white polka dot booties.

“Oh my goodness,” you squealed, waddling over to him.

“I can’t believe her feet are going to be that tiny,” Harry breathed, holding both booties in his palm. You smiled, kissing his cheek.

Once you were finished in the shop, Harry noticed that more paparazzi and fans had crowded around outside the small store. All waiting for you to make your exit.

Harry tightened his grip on your hand, pressing you closer to his side, a strong arm around your shoulders. “Don’t worry, babe, I’ve got,” you whispered in your ear.

“Don’t let me fall,” you worried.

“Never,” he promised. He pushed the door to the shop open, guiding you out.

The fans erupted in chatter, the camera flashes starting. Everyone clamoring for a glance at your belly or a photo with Harry. 

“Harry!” one paparazzi called out. “Ready to be a dad?"

"Absolutely,” Harry responded with a smile.

“Can you tell us the name?” another asked, getting a little too close to you.

“Sorry mate, top secret,” he said with a cheeky grin.

You gripped his arm nervously. Some fans came straight up to you, bombarding you with questions, about the baby, and trying to put their hands on your belly. You tried to move back from them without losing your balance. As they tried to take a picture with the both of you.

Harry’s expression changed, becoming a little more anxious. “Could you step back a little, please?” he asked, with a hint of urgency as he realized how uncomfortable you were becoming.

The girls rolled their eyes, but Harry pushed through them.

“You okay?” he whispered, looking back at you with a concerned expression.

You nodded, pressing yourself tighter against his side as you felt yourself getting jostled.

A paparazzi came close up next to you. “How does it feel to be having the first baby in the band?"

Harry’s face hardened, eyes lighting up with anger as the pap bumped right up against your belly roughly. "Back off,” Harry snapped, placing his body between you and the paparazzi. “That’s my child!"

The pap shrank away, and as the crowd noticed how irritated Harry was becoming, they slowly moved away.

You both broke through the crowd. Harry turned to you, cupping your cheek in one hand, and placing the other on your belly.

"Are you alright?” His eyes looked you up and down, for any sign of distress, full of worry.

You nodded, still a little shook up. 

Harry sighed, leaning to kiss your forehead. “I’m so sorry, babe."

"Don’t be, it’s not your fault,” you promised. “And both your girls are fine." 

"You’re sure? I don’t know what I’d do if one of you got hurt, because of all this,” he worried.

“Well, we’ve got you to protect us.” You smiled, taking his chin in your hand to bringing his lips down to yours. “Now, Darcy wants some frozen yogurt.” You gave your best pout and smile.

Harry laughed, smiling crookedly. “Anything for my girls."

I love when he’s protective. Thanks to the anon who requested this!

More up soon!

If you have a daddy Harry moment, scene, topic, etc. that you want me to write, pop it in my Ask. Keep the requests coming. I will write every single one, and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. :) @wildflowersea

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